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  • Get ink! to it: build Web3 with ink! smart contract language

    With the growth of Web3, we have seen an explosion of decentralized applications (dApps) building on top of various blockchain infrastructures. Secured by the immutable blockchain ledger, these dApps allow users to create and exchange digital assets, transfer funds, or carry out other complex functions. All of the above properties are vital for a vibrant Web3 ecosystem to meet the needs of a range of users and institutions — and this is made possible through the execution of smart contracts on the blockchain. Smart contracts, written in a chosen smart contract language, remove the need for third parties to automatically carry out digital transactions once specific, agreed conditions are met. A Web3 developer looking to deploy dApps needs to be able to write smart contracts and therefore, familiarity with a smart contract programming language is of paramount importance. Whilst there are several smart contract languages, “ink!” stands out as an opinionated language developed by Parity Technologies. Ink! is an extension of the popular Rust programming language with the functionality needed to make it smart contract compatible. Rust has inspired several other related programming languages, including Move, and ink! to foster the development of popular blockchains like Solana (Rust), Aptos (Move), Polkadot (Substrate), and Aleph Zero (ink!). Here, I’ll give you a brief summary of the opportunities that exist to get involved in the ink! community, including access to tool kits, educational content, and grant funding. In particular, this post will focus on Aleph Zero’s initiatives as one of the biggest blockchain projects to use ink!. See our previous posts to learn more about ink! and its potential to redefine the use of smart contracts and dApps deployment. Ink! developer resource If you’re a developer looking to build with ink!, you won’t be short of resources and educational content. With over 1,200 stars on GitHub, the ink! repository is rich in resources and usage. Parity’s ink! documentation portal also contains comprehensive information on ink!. Aleph Zero, as the leading blockchain to use ink!, is making a significant contribution in adding to these developer resources, which is helping onboard new builders onto the Aleph Zero and Polkadot ecosystems. As a recognition of Aleph Zero's contribution to enriching ink! code base, Aleph Zero's Piotr Mikołajczyk became the first non-Partiy member to be able to approve/write access to the ink! repository. Aleph Zero Dev Portal The Aleph Zero Dev Portal is an invaluable resource to simplify the onboarding of developers into the world of ink! smart contracts and the Aleph Zero ecosystem. You can visit the Dev Portal to access valuable information to get building on Aleph Zero. The Aleph Zero Dev Portal contains the following resources for ink! developers: Tutorials: Create your first basic smart contract from scratch. Deploy your smart contract on the Aleph Zero Testnet. Cross-contract calls allow your contract to interact with other deployed smart contracts. Installing the required tools to prepare your computer for development in Rust and ink! Write end-to-end tests for your contracts with ink-wrapper. Integrate the Aleph Zero Signer into web apps. Experiment with zero-knowledge apps with Aleph Zero Shielder, which is a smart contract on Aleph Zero (not yet deployed at the moment of writing) that uses the technology of zk-SNARKs to enable private payments and private interactions with DeFi. Migrate to ink! from Solidity (smart contract programming language for Ethereum Virtual Machine). Tools: Sol2Ink toolkit for easy migration from Solidity to ink! and Rust. Solang, the Solidity to ink! and Rust compiler, enables you to compile smart contracts written in Solidity for Solana, Polkadot, and Aleph Zero. DRink! is a toolbox for ink! developers that allow for a fully functional ink! contract-development without any running node. DRink! is a collaborative effort led by Aleph Zero, Astar Network, and Phala Network. Ink!athon is a full-stack dApp boilerplate for ink! smart contracts that allow you to quickly develop your idea to scaffold a production-ready Web3 application. See the Ink!athon GitHub page for more information. Additional resources to build on Aleph Zero: Aleph Zero testnet to test your smart contracts before deploying on the mainnet. Aleph Zero block explorer powered by Subscan containing all on-chain data. Native and third-party wallets compatible with the Aleph Zero blockchain. Full documentation providing comprehensive on the Aleph Zero blockchain. Official GitHub code repository of the Aleph Zero Foundation. For additional support join the Aleph Zero discord #sc-support channel. Funding and grants to build with ink! As listed above, there are plenty of support, educational content, resources, and existing tools to start your Web3 endeavors with ink!. In addition to these resources, opportunities also exist to access funding to build on Aleph Zero and other related ink! ecosystems. Ink!ubator: Aleph Zero has joined forces with Astar Network, Web3 Foundation, Parity Technologies, Phala Network, and 727 Ventures to start Ink!ubator which aims to grow the ink! ecosystem. Ink!ubator grant funding aims to support key areas, including developer growth, security audits, full-stack tooling, as well as high-impact product launches. The first cohort of the initiative started in Q2 2023 and is already full, with applications for the second cohort now open (as of writing this post). The initiative provides support for three tracks: Builder Track: Only two projects aspiring to build on ink! will be enrolled on Builder Track. Accepted projects will receive a $50,000 budget for hiring and product development. Additionally, successful application teams will get technical help from the core ink! team and developers from supporting community teams including Aleph Zero, Astar, Phala, and 727 Ventures. Auditor Track: Two experienced consultancies aiming to expand into ink! security audit services will be enrolled in the Auditor Track. Successful teams will receive technical help from the core ink! team and developers from supporting community teams including Aleph Zero and other partners. The Builder Track and Ecosystem Grant recipients have a budget to pay for security audits, which must be used to hire cohorts in the Auditor Track. Ecosystem Grants Track: Ink! projects can also receive grants in three categories: (i) Canary dApps, (ii) Technical showcase, and (iii) Infrastructure. i — Canary dApps might not be battle-tested enough to become a serious use case that has potential. These could be DEXes, lending platforms, NFT marketplaces, multi-sig digital vaults, or other good ideas. ii — Technical showcase applications must demonstrate the superiority of the ink! language over other smart contract languages. Successful ideas in this category could be ways to decrease contract sizes for innovative games and collectibles. iii — The infrastructure category aims to improve the ink! ecosystem infrastructure and tools. Ideas to help innovate in ink! and Rust ecosystem is encouraged including all libraries, static analysis, and on-chain contract verification projects, as well as initiatives that improve developer and debugging experience. Web3 Foundation Grants: Web3 Foundation also funds teams and projects that advance software development and research efforts related to the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystem, including projects building on Aleph Zero. The Web3 Foundation grant has helped support numerous innovations in Web3, including Aleph Zero. Cardinal Cryptography, the research and development team behind Aleph Zero, previously received a Web3 Foundation grant for their work on a randomness beacon for Substrate. Various other projects building on Aleph Zero have also received Web3 Foundation grant support, including ArtZero and InkWhale, Scio Labs, and AZERO.ID and Syncra. Aleph Zero Ecosystem Funding Program: The Aleph Zero Ecosystem Funding Program (EFP) is a $50 million fund from the Aleph Zero Foundation to support innovations from developer teams that expand the capabilities, functionalities, and adoption of the Aleph Zero blockchain. Project ideas can range from proof-of-concept and early-stage companies to experienced teams with solutions deployed on different platforms. Project ideas can receive funding ranging from $10 thousand to $500 thousand. The Aleph Zero Foundation particularly encourages application ideas focusing on leveraging the unique features of Aleph Zero. These can range from novel zk-SNARK applications, and DeFi use cases to improve the network. Successful EFP projects may be chosen to pitch to Aleph Zero’s VCs and secure further funding. There are also opportunities to have your project audited or receive marketing support. Explore the Aleph Zero ecosystem projects and visit the EFP page for more information. Amazon Web Service Activate: Amazon Web Services (AWS) supports Aleph Zero builders via the Activate program, offering between $10 thousand and $100 thousand in free infrastructure credits. The AWS Activate program is available to all eligible Aleph Zero builders seeking support in setting up their infrastructure. AWS Activate is a program that provides startups with a host of benefits, including AWS credits, AWS support plan credits, as well as training to help the teams grow and succeed. The program is available to all grantees of the Aleph Zero Ecosystem Funding Program. Start building on ink! and Aleph Zero Whether you're a seasoned programmer or a novice coder, there has never been a more exciting time to start building on Web3. Parity's work — with support from partners like Aleph Zero — in developing an extensive code base and resource for ink! builders, growing community support, and ample access to funding mean it's also never been easier to start executing your Web3 idea with ink!. So, come on devs — what's stopping you from getting ink! to it?

  • Foxies, a P2E idle-staking game with adorable collectibles, joins Aleph Zero's EFP

    Foxies, a P2E idle-staking game that includes adorable animal collectibles/NFTs, has officially announced that the project has successfully entered Aleph Zero's EFP (Ecosystem Funding Program) this week. This article will go through what Foxies is, how Foxies work what's their future plans, and what the EFP can offer to them for their future success. What is Foxies? To put it simply, Foxies is a decentralized, P2E idle-staking game that perfectly blends and utilizes NFTs & smart contracts to incentivize players while still having a fun gaming experience. The team at Foxies has stated in their GitHub account that the game's concept is based on the original "Wolf Game" and has estimated that the game's first release will be in Q1 of 2024. In terms of what kind of unique collectibles/NFTs Foxies will have, the game revolves around two primary character types: adorable foxes and fluffy chickens. What makes these NFTs so unique is that each fox and chicken NFT comes with distinct attributes, abilities, and rarity levels, therefore making these NFTs valuable assets within the game. If a player wants to acquire one of these animal NFTs since they'll need one to play and enter the game, they can acquire them via purchases in the secondary market (more on this soon), farming, or by participating in various activities. The Foxies game will also have its own token, which is designed to be the primary form of reward in the game, called $EGGS. The way the player can accumulate the $EGGS token is that the Chickens and Foxes NFTs will generate $EGGS over time by staking, and the players can collect these tokens to use within the game. The $EGGS token will serve as the primary currency in the game, and it plays a pivotal role within the Foxies ecosystem, as it empowers players to engage in various activities, including purchasing the chicken and foxes NFTs as well as other valuable in-game assets. However, the team has also designed the Foxies token, $EGGS, to be even more versatile than it looks. Players will have the option to convert their $EGGS tokens into different cryptocurrencies on secondary markets (in this case, it'll be $AZERO, the native token on Aleph Zero), therefore opening up opportunities for monetizing their earnings. How does Foxies work? As stated earlier, for the player to enter into the game and start playing, they must mint an NFT. The 2 types of playable characters in Foxies and their rarities of minting are: Chickens - 80% chance of minting Foxes - 20% chance of minting For chickens, they are described as 'The Heart of the Economy', which means that they lay the foundational groundwork of the in-game economy of Foxies. What chickens offer is that they are the only animal/NFT in the game to generate $EGGS via staking, which allows players to collect it and use it as an in-game currency. Not only that but chickens can also come in various breeds, each with unique attributes and rarity attached to them on-chain, making rarer chickens more valuable due to their increased $EGGS generation. If a player were to sell their $EGGS tokens from staking their chicken NFTs, there'd be a 50% chance that the accumulated $EGGS will get stolen by a Fox. On the other hand, Foxes are described as 'The Charming Antagonists', and these pleasant characters can steal $EGGS from other players’ chickens or even kidnap chickens themselves. However, your fox’s effectiveness in these actions depends on its attributes and rarity, thus adding a strategic element to the game. To add more utility to the foxes NFTs, whenever a player sells their $EGGS tokens from their staked chicken NFTs, a 20% tax is implemented and will be distributed back to the players that hold a fox NFT. Foxies will have separate generations that will be issued, starting with gen1 and, later, gen2 and gen3. This will, in turn, change how users play the game with all the new features and complexities that will be added to it. In Foxies GitHub, they have outlined that gen1 will have a max supply of 15,000 NFTs, and when connecting this to the rarity of mining either a chicken or fox NFT, as stated earlier, there'll be 13,500 chicken NFTs and 1,500 fox NFTs in total. The team has stated that their plans for Foxies will include the introduction of the 2nd and 3rd generations of the game, which will introduce new game mechanics and goes as follows: Breeding - This feature will allow players to create offspring of their chicken and fox NFTs, which will come with unique attributes and potentially higher rarity, adding depth and strategy to character management. Territory Ownership - A new NFT collection, which is land, will be added to the game, and this offers players the ability to house their characters and gain access to additional in-game features and resources. An Expanded $EGGS economy - The $EGGS token remains central in serving as the primary in-game currency of Foxies, enabling players to purchase assets and participate in various activities. On top of this, there'll also be plans to introduce on-chain/off-chain governance to the community via a DAO, which gives players the ability to vote and proposed changes to the development of Foxies, like new features and updates. The secondary market, as described before in this article, will be added into the game to give players the power to buy, sell, and trade their in-game assets, including chickens, foxes, land, and $EGGS, which will, in turn, add further monetization opportunities to the game and its in-game economy. Finally, for players to maximize their experience, they can group with friends and allies to form packs, replicating the social dynamics of actual packs in real life and helping them feel more united. To secure one's position in the hierarchy of the virtual wilderness, players must cooperate, which means that strategy is crucial. Foxies acceptance into Aleph Zero's EFP: On November 26th, 2023, the Foxies Twitter/X account announced that they were able to form a partnership with Aleph Zero and be accepted into the EFP. However, the team says that this goes beyond just the financial backing of the project - this will also give the Foxies team the ability to get access to code audits from third parties, infrastructure resources, workshops for research and development, and so on. Foxies will be embracing and utilizing the ink! Programming language for the game, its smart contracts, and the NFTs, which will grant the team the ability to incorporate special features and functionalities into the Foxies gameplay experience. The Aleph Zero network is expected to gain a lot from Foxies, which includes: Raised awareness and adoption by providing a well-liked play-to-earn game. Encouraging long-term retention by rewarding players for their participation. Promoting integration and cooperation among projects, assisting the Aleph Zero ecosystem. Encouraging the expansion and widespread use of blockchain gaming will change the face of the market. The team at Foxies chose to build on the Aleph Zero blockchain because of its unparalleled commitment to providing the greatest possible security, speed, and scalability. Aleph Zero's layer 1 blockchain architecture provides a strong foundation that easily satisfies the needs of their innovative gaming concept. In addition to typical functions, the network's flexible architecture enables it to add unique elements like decentralized governance, a sophisticated in-game economy, and dynamic gameplay. The conclusion: In conclusion, Foxies is a P2E, idle-staking game that utilizes adorable animal NFTs & smart contracts to create a fun and rewarding gaming experience. The project being added to Aleph Zero's EFP opens the doors to many opportunities to make the game the best it can be, as well as giving it the ability to form many partnerships with other EFP-accepted ecosystem projects building on Aleph Zero that will hopefully add new features and functionality towards the game now and in the future. References: Twitter/X - Github - Medium -

  • Unraveling The Button Game on Aleph Zero

    Inspired by Reddit's famous social experiment, The Button harnesses ink! smart contracts and Aleph Zero's lightning-fast finality to create an immersive gaming experience. Let's delve into the intricacies of this enthralling game and explore its core components that breathe life into the Aleph Zero blockchain. The Button's Gameplay Mechanics At the heart of The Button lies a countdown timer linked to finalized blocks on the Aleph Zero blockchain. Every player who clicks on The Button resets the timer, extending its lifespan to 90,000 blocks (around 25 hours). The game boasts three unique modes, each governed by its distinct rules, challenging players to strategically engage for optimal rewards. How The Button Operates Players employ PSP22 standard ticket tokens to access game modes and earn reward tokens, unlocking The Button's Marketplace for Dutch auction-based ticket sales. The game also introduces SimpleDex, a Decentralized Exchange facilitating seamless token swaps between reward tokens and the wAZERO token, Aleph Zero's PSP22-wrapped native coin. The Core Components The Button Contract: Governed Gameplay and Reward Mechanisms At the heart of The Button resides a pivotal smart contract known as The Button contract. This intricate codebase governs the game's rules, records player interactions, and regulates the distribution of rewards. As participants enter the game, their interaction with The Button contract initiates by granting permission to spend one ticket token, serving as the entry fee for accessing the game's thrilling mechanics. Upon receiving the ticket, The Button contract meticulously records the player's score and triggers the distribution of rewards based on the game's specific ruleset. The rewards, distinct from the entry ticket tokens, are PSP22 tokens minted directly into the players' accounts by The Button contract itself. A crucial role assumed by The Button contract involves compiling and tracking all rewards disbursed during the game's duration. These rewards collectively form the coveted pool for The Pressiah – the fortunate individual making the final click before The Button's end. As the game progresses, The Button contract meticulously logs the rewards paid out, setting the stage for the grand finale as the countdown timer approaches its end. Upon The Button's conclusion, the designated Pressiah receives 50% of the total rewards minted during the round as recognition for their achievement. A game reset follows, transferring all tickets held by The Button contract to the Marketplace and laying the groundwork for a new round of captivating gameplay. The Marketplace Contract: Enabling Ticket Sales and Dynamic Pricing Operating as a vital cog in The Button's ecosystem, the Marketplace contract facilitates ticket sales through a Dutch auction mechanism. Its primary function is to ensure a fair and dynamic pricing model for ticket acquisition. The Marketplace contract orchestrates the sale of tickets to eager players through a Dutch auction approach, where the pricing linearly decreases with each finalized block on the blockchain. This downward trajectory persists until reaching a minimum threshold, thereafter maintaining tickets available for purchase at the fixed rate. Additionally, the contract monitors the average price of all tickets sold, setting subsequent auction starting prices based on this average. This innovative model ensures that ticket pricing remains responsive to market demand and player participation, enabling equitable engagement for all participants. The SimpleDex Contract: Empowering Decentralized Token Swaps Embedded within The Button's ecosystem, the SimpleDex contract introduces a decentralized exchange functionality, enabling players to seamlessly swap between reward tokens. Leveraging a simplified version of Uniswap V1's pricing mechanism, SimpleDex operates a single multi-token pool hosting reward tokens and the wrapped native Aleph Zero coin (wAZERO) at a 1:1 exchange ratio. While anonymous blockchain infrastructure allows anyone to write and deploy additional contracts for trustless exchanges, SimpleDex specifically enables one-way swaps from tokens to wAZERO, ensuring liquidity and flexibility within the game environment. In Conclusion The Button's allure lies in its seamless integration of blockchain technology with captivating gameplay. We've explored the functions of The Button contract, overseeing the game's mechanics and rewards, the Marketplace contract, aiding ticket sales, and the SimpleDex contract, enabling decentralized token exchanges. With the Aleph Zero team continuously enhancing this experience, we're eagerly anticipating what remarkable features they'll introduce next. References:

  • Lawsuit Filed Against Cristiano Ronaldo for His Endorsement of Binance and NFTs

    Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the most famous and highest-paid footballers in the world, is facing a lawsuit for his involvement in promoting Binance, a cryptocurrency exchange that allegedly sold unlicensed securities and caused massive investor losses. Prior to this suit, Ronaldo had a multiyear partnership with Binance, who was to promote his own NFTs as well as front a string of advertising campaigns. The lawsuit was filed by a plaintiff claiming to have lost more than $100,000 after investing in Binance and its NFTs, which are digital tokens representing ownership of unique assets. The plaintiff accuses Ronaldo of actively promoting Binance and its NFTs on his social media platforms, where he has over 500 million followers. The plaintiff alleges that Ronaldo’s endorsement misled investors into believing that Binance and its NFTs were legitimate and regulated, when in fact they were not. According to the lawsuit, Binance and its NFTs breached US securities laws by distributing and trading unregistered securities without adequately disclosing the associated risks and benefits. As stated in the filing: "Ronaldo’s promotions solicited or assisted Binance in soliciting investments in unregistered securities by encouraging his millions of followers, fans, and supporters to invest with the Binance platform." Additionally, the legal action asserts that Binance and its NFTs were vulnerable to manipulation, hacking, fraudulent activities, and theft, leading to substantial financial setbacks for investors. The lawsuit aims for unspecified compensation and a judicial directive to prohibit Ronaldo from endorsing Binance or any other unregistered securities in the future.

  • A Quest for Industry Integrity: Transforming the Play to Earn Gaming Scene with DLT Solutions

    It's Friday evening, and you have an hour to kill before you meet your friends for a night out. You sit back in your armchair and fire up your favorite mobile game. During your play session, you are interrupted by an ad for this new gaming platform which tells you that you can get paid while you play their games. Holy smokes! You jump up from your chair, do a couple of cartwheels, then download the app. Paid while you game? Sign me up you think to yourself. You load up the app, go through the usual formalities, add your payment processor of choice, and away you go head first into paid gaming nirvana; happy days! After your first foray into the P2E gaming world, you discover that things may not be as they seem. In your first session, you annihilated the game, racked up a tonne of points, and even told your friends to bugger off because you found something better to do. You spent the best part of three whole hours without stopping for a food or bathroom break, only to rack up a total of (drumroll) seven cents. Wait, hold on, where were the big bucks that were promised in the advertisement? They told you the more you play the more you earn. Must be a blip. Off you go once again playing even harder this time. You clock up almost double the amount of points in session two. Haha, got you now. Come to Papa. Time to reel in those big bucks! At the end of your session, your points morph into real currency once more. You earned four cents. You eyeball the figure on screen like a Tiger staring down the thief who had just stolen his lunch! Enraged, you throw your phone across the room, slump into your chair, and grovel to your friends. You remember? the people you blew out hours earlier because you were about to make serious bank while playing games. Captain Reality appears, calls out your name, points, and laughs at your misfortune. Cue that facepalm moment. What exactly are P2E games? A P2E (Play-to-Earn) game is a category of video game that allows players to earn real-world value via their in-game activities and achievements. Unlike regular games where the main goal is entertainment, P2E games incorporate economic elements, providing players with the chance to monetize their playtime and effort invested in the game. Some of the most popular P2E games can be found on mobile, with the biggest, gaining a user base in the millions. Most of them are basic arcade and puzzle-type games, modeled on their non-P2E counterparts. Sometimes the games come as stand-alone applications but what is getting more popular are P2E gaming platforms that offer a compendium of games, all in one app. How does the P2E business model work? P2E games are monetized in several ways. How exactly do the game developers make money in the first place? Partnerships and Sponsorships: Developers form partnerships with other companies or brands for in-game advertising, collaborations, or sponsorships. Adverts are incorporated into the gaming environment. Game developers can earn revenue through partnerships with advertisers who pay to display ads during gameplay. Community-Based Events and Challenges: Game developers or platforms might arrange and oversee community events, tournaments, or competitions within the game. Such events have the potential to draw in sponsorship agreements and boost player involvement, thereby playing a role in the overall financial prosperity of the game. Licensing and Franchising: Successful P2E games might investigate options to license their intellectual property or franchise their game concept. If the game gains widespread popularity, this could serve as an extra avenue for developers to generate revenue. Sounds pretty darn good so far, one would probably think. The game developers eke out a revenue stream by building a strategic relationship with a third party and ultimately have funds available to pay users. How exactly do the players earn? There are a few main ways players can be rewarded for their in-game activities: Time-Based Rewards: Certain P2E games provide incentives determined by the duration players dedicate to the game. This may include acquiring a specific quantity of in-game currency or resources over time and promoting a pattern of consistent and frequent gameplay. Gameplay and Achievements: Gamers have the opportunity to receive rewards through active participation in the game and reaching specific milestones, such as accomplishing quests, completing levels, or honing in-game skills. The extent of rewards is directly correlated with the amount of effort and skill invested by the player. Task Completion: Games might assign players various tasks or challenges, and upon successful completion, players receive rewards. These tasks may involve activities like exploration, crafting, combat, or other in-game pursuits. Participating in Other Activities: Some P2E gaming platforms offer rewards for users participating in activities outside of the actual games they offer. These can include filling out surveys, completing offers from partner companies, watching ads, and installing other games in order to receive points, which are then converted into the player's reward currency. When all is taken into account, the model sounds like it should work in favor of both developers and players and all associated partners and stakeholders. It would be all well and good if this were the case and everyone received their fair share of rewards, though the reality is quite different. Dude, where's my money? The truth is, that numerous users are not receiving satisfactory amounts of compensation for their efforts in various cash-based P2E games and platforms, leading to grievances such as: Loss of progress tracking during gameplay The high amount of achievements or play time that is needed to cash out Lack of clarity on how rewards are earned False Advertising Account hacking and identity theft Lack of verifiable player usage data/history Some disgruntled P2E gamers experience a mix of issues during their play sessions. Source: Google Play. Examining reviews has uncovered the P2E landscape not being the idyllic, Rose-covered garden as has been advertised and promoted to be. Disgruntled users maintain that despite investing significant time and effort, they find themselves earning insufficient cash, raising serious concerns about the overall integrity of the P2E industry. Many are opting to end their participation due to meagre payouts or a lack of clarity from developers on how rewards are actually calculated before distribution. Clearly, challenges persist in the cash-based P2E space. Can DLT solutions help? Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) based on the blockchain provides various features and decentralized mechanisms that can contribute significantly to establishing legitimacy and transparency in the play-to-earn gaming industry. It's crucial to recognize that not all blockchain platforms are created equal or are fit for purpose, but in general, the inherent attributes of DLT, offer tangible benefits that address some of the primary challenges currently affecting the industry. Some of the key features behind DLT infrastructure that could help bring a layer of transparency, anti-fraud, identity, and data protection to the P2E gaming industry are: Decentralization: Operating on a decentralized network of nodes, blockchain diminishes the risk of a single point of failure or manipulation. This attribute makes it harder for malicious actors to undermine the integrity of the game. Immutability: Blockchain provides an immutable ledger, meaning that once information is recorded on-chain, it cannot be altered or tampered with. This ensures transparency in the recording of in-game transactions, asset ownership, and rewards. Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are automated contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. In P2E games, smart contracts can automate various processes, including the distribution of rewards, ownership transfers, and gameplay rules. This reduces the risk of fraud and ensures that the game operates according to predefined rules. Tokenization of Assets: In P2E games, in-game assets and currencies can be tokenized on the blockchain. This tokenization ensures clear ownership and provenance of virtual assets, making it easier to trace and verify the legitimacy of items. Transparent Auditing: The transparent and public nature of blockchain allows for easy auditing of in-game transactions. Players and developers can verify the history of asset ownership and transactions, reducing the likelihood of fraudulent activities going unnoticed. Anti-Cheat Mechanisms: Blockchain can be used to implement anti-cheat mechanisms that are resistant to manipulation. By recording critical game events and actions on the blockchain, developers can create an immutable record that makes it more challenging for cheaters to manipulate or bypass anti-cheat measures. Decentralized Identity Verification: Blockchain can be used to establish decentralized identity systems, allowing players to maintain control over their identities. This can reduce identity theft risk and provide a more secure environment for player interactions. Community Governance: Some blockchain-based games incorporate decentralized governance models where key decisions about the game's development, rules, and updates are made through a consensus mechanism involving token holders. This can enhance community trust and reduce the risk of fraudulent activities by involving players in the decision-making processes. Many voices from within the web 3.0 space are calling for DLT integration in games, as an essential component, which will bring much-needed transparency and integrity to the GameFI and P2E industry. The benefits that can be harnessed by merging DLT infrastructure into this category of games, will have a positive impact, allowing users to receive a fairer distribution of rewards, have the ability to verify payment consistency, and feel safer in the knowledge that the system is not rigged against them. There are also additional benefits that come from tokenization and democratization, allowing players to become stakeholders and play a part in the governance of the game or platform. The Aleph Zero Layer-1 DLT for GameFI and P2E Gaming Aleph Zero is an enterprise-grade layer-1 DLT committed to delivering scalability, security, and privacy for decentralized application development and deployment. The platform employs the AlephBFT consensus protocol, ensuring rapid transactions with near-instant finality and minimal fees. The hybrid technology behind Aleph Zero consists of a combination of DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) and Blockchain. Play-to-earn games in the GameFi world are starting to gain traction among gamers, wherein players are compensated for their time and skill with cryptocurrency or non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These games typically demand high performance, low latency, and the ability to interact with other platforms and protocols seamlessly. The Upcade Arcade gaming platform on Aleph Zero. P2E games built on Aleph Zero would gain a whole new level of integrity, security, transparency, and performance. Some of the advantages offered over other DLT infrastructure solutions are: Scalability: Aleph Zero can process 89,000 Transactions per second, which is much higher than most other Layer-1 platforms. This means that play-to-earn games can support many players and interactions without compromising on speed or quality. Security: Aleph Zero employs a hybrid Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus algorithm, (AlephBFT) to safeguard the network, guaranteeing security even in the presence of malicious or faulty nodes. This instills trust in play-to-earn games, assuring the validity and consistency of transactions and rewards. Privacy: Aleph Zero will soon facilitate the creation of private smart contracts, empowering users to execute intricate logic without disclosing the specifics to external parties thanks to their implementation of ZKSnark in their privacy layer, Liminal. This capability ensures that play-to-earn games can uphold the privacy and identity of players and their assets, while also enabling innovative features like concealed quests or covert alliances. Interoperability: The Aleph Zero developer team has been working on making the network interoperable with multiple blockchains and protocols. This will soon mean that P2E games built on Aleph Zero can leverage the existing ecosystem and infrastructure of the decentralized web, as well as connect with other games and platforms for cross-chain collaboration and innovation. They have also recently partnered with Router Protocol, a project that helps integrate blockchain platforms into their cross-chain bridge technology, allowing for connected networks to understand each other and exchange value transactions. Drkvrs is a dark Metaverse game set in a Dystopian future. A project created by some of the members behind The Witcher series and Cyberpunk 2077. The Final Word Although Aleph Zero is a recently introduced Layer-1, it has already demonstrated its effectiveness as a decentralized gaming infrastructure platform by integrating into various projects. Some examples include Drkvrs, Explora Online, MotoDex, and Upcade As developer teams eagerly await the completion of ongoing developments, which include refining features like cross-chain interoperability and the introduction of the Liminal privacy layer, early gaming projects are already showcasing performance advantages compared to games built on popular layer-1 platforms. Enhancing Aleph Zero's array of useful features and incentives is the support provided to ecosystem developers, who can leverage free or subsidized code audits offered by the security firm Kudelski Security. Project teams can also apply for financial, technical, and marketing assistance via the Ecosystem Funding Program (EFP). This strategic move fortifies trust and elevates the integrity of games developed on the Aleph Zero platform. While capable DLT solutions exist and are being used as infrastructure for game developers, most tend to fall short when it comes to certain key aspects that could help fix many of the issues that exist. With all components seamlessly aligned, Aleph Zero stands poised to establish itself as a dominant force in the realms of GameFI and play-to-earn gaming. References: Aleph Zero: Enterprise-grade Public Blockchain, Private Smart Contracts Aleph Zero Ecosystem Fundamentals: Aleph Zero and its DAG Implementation Cardinal and Nethermind to collaborate on Aleph Zero’s privacy layer, Liminal Google Play Best Play-to-Earn Games (2023) - Updated List ( Ecosystem Funding Program - Aleph Zero: Public Blockchain with Private Smart Contracts

  • Zero Knowledge for Data Privacy: Exploring Aleph Zero's Approach

    Article Outline: Introduction: 2022, the year of zero-knowledge Concepts to understanding ZK Data Privacy: A myth with web2 companies Data Privacy: Substandard with web3 companies Data Privacy: Leveraging zero-knowledge technology Data Privacy: Exploring Aleph Zero’s approach Testimonies of Aleph Zero’s Top-Notch Privacy Introduction: 2022, The Year of Zero-Knowledge In 2022, zero-knowledge was one of the hottest buzzwords in the crypto space. This is evident in the image below which is a screenshot of Google Trends data for the term “Zero Knowledge Proof” from 2018 - 2023. Observe the spike in interest in 2022. The second image depicts rising queries & topics related to ZK. The concept of zero-knowledge wasn’t born yesterday. The idea of ZK tech has been known and experimented on since the late 1900’s, however, it only recently entered the limelight when it found its role in cryptocurrency or broadly speaking, in blockchain. Zero-knowledge is simply what it implies - no knowledge. Zero-knowledge simply means verifying the truth about given information without revealing the contents or facts of that information. Seems tricky right? Impossible even. Not to bother, we’ll get down to it. Firstly, here are a few concepts to understand in this article. Concepts to Understanding ZK Prover: this party proves that a given claim or information is true and they have knowledge of the factuality and accuracy of the info, albeit not revealing the content of the information. The prover does this by providing proof(s). Verifier: this is the party tasked with verifying the prover’s claim by checking the proof provided by the prover. Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP): this is a cryptographic key that a prover sends to convince the verifier of the truth of the claim but it doesn’t reveal the main content of the claim. The most popular association of zero-knowledge in the crypto space is about zk rollups, a type of layer 2 scaling solution for blockchains but zk is more than that. Over time, many use cases for zero-knowledge have emerged but one stands out - privacy. It seems trivial but only if you knew the amount of sensitive data that has been lost due to breaches and security incidents. Data Privacy: A Myth with Web2 Companies Over the years there has been news of security breaches from web2 platforms that claim to keep users’ data private. These breaches have led to millions of stolen data. Giant web2 companies have unchecked control of users’ data and this is dangerous as it leaves room for exploits or even worse, sales of these data on the dark web to be used for cyber thefts. Examples of data breaches in web2 companies: In 2017, Equifax, a global data and analytics platform suffered a huge data breach - one of the largest to date. The platform, in 2022, went on to partner with Oasis Labs, a blockchain-based privacy-centric company to build a decentralized identity management and KYC solution for individuals and companies involved in the web3 economy. In April 2019, Facebook suffered a data breach leading to the sensitive information of over 530 million of its users getting exposed on a public platform. The information leaked included phone numbers, email addresses, birth dates, and locations of users who joined the platform from 2018 to 2019. In 2020, over 500K Zoom users had their login details exposed on the dark web. In 2021, a data breach occurred at Hubspot (a leading web2 marketing and sales platform that stores users’ information). This breach affected 30 companies and you might be interested to know that some crypto companies were among those that suffered from this breach. In 2022, hackers leaked email addresses of over 200 million Twitter (now X) users. The names, locations, and contact info of 515,000 individuals were stolen in the Red Cross data breach in 2022. The information stolen belonged to people who had been victims of either migration, regional disaster, or conflict. A global leader in AI computing, Nvidia has also had its own share of data breaches when, in 2022, hackers stole employees’ credentials and other company information. On the 13th of November 2023, certain personal information of UK-based Samsung online store customers was illegally obtained as a result of a data breach. The breach was caused by an unauthorized figure(s) who gained access to a third-party application that the said company used. The list of data breaches that have happened over the years is endless. It’s like an inevitable pandemic. Then came web3 with a beam of hope. Data Privacy: Substandard with Web3 Companies It may come as a shocker to you but web3 which is dubbed as a free, open, secured, and decentralized web isn’t leaving up to its name. The concept of web3 came with the promises of decentralization, security, users’ control, and freedom but web3, as it is today is sub-par in these promises. Many web3 companies hide under the umbrella of decentralization but are centralized in all senses. They are failing to acknowledge and address the importance of data sensitivity which many web2 companies are probably unconcerned about. Examples of data breaches in web3/crypto companies: In 2020, Japanese-based crypto exchange, Coincheck’s customers fell victim to a data breach which led to the exposure of data of over 200 customers who (unknowingly) responded to the emails sent from the attacker(s) asking for their personal identifiable information like names, addresses, photos, etc. This breach occurred as a result of the vulnerability of the exchange’s domain name which the attacker(s) somehow got hold of. In 2020, Ledger, a company popular for providing hardware crypto wallets suffered a data breach as a result of a hack. This hack caused 270,000 customers’ emails, and phone numbers to be exposed and victims, susceptible to wallet drains. In 2021, customers filed lawsuits against the company. In another 2020 data breach, Coinsquare, a centralized crypto exchange lost over 5,000 email addresses, home addresses, and mobile numbers of their customers. In 2022, Unstoppable Domains’ email vendor suffered a data breach that led to the exposure of some of its customers’ email addresses. Unstoppable Domains happened to be among the six companies affected by this vendor’s data breach. With all these and more, it’s quite certain that there’s work to be done. As the web3 industry matures, communities and individuals who are dedicated to seeing web3 achieve its full potential are exploring more options to ensure that web3 isn’t just a wish but a reality. An important aspect of what these individuals/communities are gearing towards is privacy with the use of zero-knowledge tech. Let’s take a look at the role of ZK tech in achieving full privacy. Data Privacy: Leveraging Zero-Knowledge Technology The landscape of zero-knowledge tech is on steady growth with the continuously increasing number of projects accumulating users. One thing is clear now - zero-knowledge tech (ZKPs leveraged) is going to reshape the web3 landscape. How so? ZKPs’ ability to verify information without revealing the content of the information is a vital instrument for web3 dApps which prioritizes data security and users’ privacy. In a recently released annual report by Cryptomeria Capital titled “State of Zero Knowledge 2023,” one statement from the 114-page document stood out. “Zero-knowledge proofs, with their cryptographic prowess, have the potential to revolutionize data security.” A later part of the report laid out some concerns about the uncertain future of ZK rollups in tackling explicit challenges required of a potential full-scale launch of hyper-scalable and privacy-oriented infrastructures. The recently concluded 10th edition of zkSummit by Zero Knowledge Podcast which took place in London in September 2023 threw more light on people’s perception of zero-knowledge for privacy. In a bid to get more insights, interested participants were asked to fill out an application form that included some questions about their thoughts on the state of ZK. From responses received, people have the most interest in privacy applications as a ZK use case. Many ZK protocols have been recently developed and more are undergoing development. Undoubtedly, these protocols will play a major role in establishing a privacy layer for web3. Blockchains like Aleph Zero are providing avenues for developers to build not only scalable, decentralized, and secured platforms but also privacy-enhanced infrastructures. Let’s take a look at what Aleph Zero is doing differently. Data Privacy: Exploring Aleph Zero’s Approach using ZKP's and sMPC's Aleph Zero is a layer 1 open-source, public blockchain that allows developers to explore the use of ZK tech in deploying dApps that are not only decentralized, secure, and scalable but also privacy-enhanced. “Blazingly fast. Exceptionally private.” It is a platform where solutions to many industries' challenges can be built. Aleph Zero’s privacy layer, called Liminal combines the power of ZK-Proofs and sMPC (secure Multi-Party Computation) to allow developers to create projects that solve the blockchain trilemma and prioritize data privacy without compromising transparency. Aleph Zero has multiple projects within its ecosystem. Projects building and leveraging the unique features of Aleph Zero can apply for funding in the Aleph Zero Ecosystem Funding Program (EFP) which has a $50 million grant & investment pool. While Aleph Zero is dedicated to its mission of supporting innovative projects that are at the forefront of adopting its blockchain, projects chosen to be funded are required to go through a KYC/KYB background check. This is to make sure that they adhere to AML rules whilst ensuring customers’ privacy. This goes to show the blockchain’s unwavering commitment to ensuring that users’ data are kept private. With multiple measures in place, Aleph Zero is solving one of the internet’s most pressing challenges and preventing us from becoming data items to be sold to the highest bidders or on the dark web, because data, as we know it, is now the new oil. Testimonies of Aleph Zero’s Top-Notch Privacy “Aleph Zero is at the top of our priority list. It brings an exciting use case for us: private fundraises that could be attractive to enterprises that don’t want to disclose the investment but would benefit from our smart contract-based protection.” - Alex Strzesniewski, CEO of AngelBlock “Information submitted by players will remain confidential through the use of Aleph Zero’s Zero-Knowledge proof solutions to ensure that whatever happens in DRKVRS stays in DRKVRS.” - Marcin Kobylecki, Co-founder of DRKVRS “We can decentralize the Interlock logic without revealing how the heuristics work, or what they are computing which is part of our advantage against malicious actors.” - Nick, Principal Engineer at Interlock To learn more about Aleph Zero, check out their website

  • CoinSender: Pioneering Web3 Solutions for Global Enterprises

    In the world of global enterprises, the relationship between traditional operations and innovative technologies mirrors the juxtaposition of a forest acquainted with the axe and the introduction of a cutting-edge tree-cutting machine. Much like the hesitant forest is wary of the unknown machine, established enterprises grapple with the impact of Web3 technologies, questioning their origins, operations, and potential shifts in their business ecosystem. Challenges Faced by Enterprises in Adopting Web3 Technologies The adoption of Web3 technologies has encountered resistance from global enterprises, citing challenges such as regulatory uncertainties, unclear business models, skepticism about real-world applications, the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies, scalability issues, interoperability concerns among blockchain platforms, and a learning curve for integrating decentralized systems into existing infrastructure. This learning curve may necessitate reshuffling the workforce to accommodate those familiar with the technology or incurring costs for educators and tools to update existing staff on the latest blockchain tech. Coinsender's Evolution To address these challenges, CoinSender, a specialized token distribution and management platform, devised a plan to onboard global enterprises into Web3 by offering innovative tools with practical applications. These include email-based escrow transactions for sensitive data storage through privacy. Initially designed for simplified distribution and management of tokenized assets, CoinSender has evolved into a platform connecting enterprise worlds with Web3 payments, ideal for scheduled and recurring payment functionalities such as monthly salary disbursements to workers. Integration with Aleph Zero In the aftermath of the September 22nd X/Twitter announcement that CoinSender had become an Aleph Zero grant recipient, the platform declared its public launch. Now available to Web3 users, CoinSender enhances the ease and flexibility in organizing, automating, and planning various actions with their assets. With the introduction of a new accounting and management toolkit, CoinSender reinforces its commitment to simplicity and flexibility for Web3 operators in efficiently managing their diverse assets. CoinSender strategically chose to integrate with Aleph Zero after delving into its multifaceted features. Examining Aleph Zero's capabilities as a Layer 1 blockchain known for optimal security, speed, and scalability, Coinsender promptly recognized the privacy enhancement potential embedded in Aleph Zero's Liminal technology—an indispensable factor in achieving mainstream adoption. Comprehensive Offerings: Beyond Financial Processes CoinSender emerges as a groundbreaking force in enterprise accounting and Web3 applications, offering a versatile suite of features to meet diverse needs. From enabling seamless crypto payroll and NFT distribution for events to managing payroll for mid-sized businesses, the project sits at the intersection of innovation and practicality. Its comprehensive offerings extend to bounty programs, airdrops, and affiliate marketing payouts in cryptocurrency while also overseeing secure test-net campaigns for experimentation. Beyond financial processes, CoinSender boasts a robust feature set encompassing recurrent payments, employee database management, and a user-friendly dashboard, ensuring a streamlined experience. The platform goes a step further by integrating with tax APIs, supporting secure token swaps, and providing efficient payroll and invoicing functionalities. With a focus on user empowerment, it introduces multi-address sending, test-net cranes, and blockchain bridges, allowing tailored experiences through user roles, quests, referrals, and NFT vesting. CoinSender's foray into NFT creation and distribution further expands its dynamic presence, catering to the evolving landscape of Web3 gaming while also facilitating the generation and distribution of custom NFTs, showcasing its exceptional versatility. CoinSender's Future in the Web3 Landscape CoinSender stands as a comprehensive solution for the evolving demands of the Web3 landscape. Whether navigating the intricacies of enterprise accounting, experimenting on testnets, or immersing in the dynamic realm of NFTs, CoinSender presents a suite of features that empower both users and organizations, cultivating a seamless convergence of finance and blockchain technology. Harnessing the privacy potential and scalability of the Aleph Zero blockchain, CoinSender is positioned to etch its signature in the sands of time within the crypto and global enterprise universe.

  • Fortifying Cybersecurity: The Role of Bug Bounty Programs

    In today's digital landscape, the quest for robust cybersecurity remains paramount. Bug bounty programs stand as a beacon in this ongoing battle, leveraging the collective power of ethical hackers to fortify systems against vulnerabilities. Understanding Bug Bounty Programs A bug bounty program, also referred to as a vulnerability rewards program (VRP), incentivizes individuals to identify and report software bugs, offering them rewards in return. These initiatives, part of an effective vulnerability management strategy, supplement internal code audits and penetration tests conducted by companies. These programs authorize independent security experts to report identified bugs, including security exploits, process issues, hardware flaws, and more, in exchange for rewards or compensation. Typically, reports on detected bugs are submitted through third-party programs tailored to meet a company’s specific requirements. Bug bounty programs can be public, open for anyone to join, or private and invite-only, aiming to maintain confidentiality. They can have a fixed duration or remain open-ended. Why Companies Utilize Bug Bounty Programs Bug bounty programs benefit companies by harnessing the expertise of diverse hackers to uncover vulnerabilities in their code, mitigating potential exploitation by malicious actors. This strategy taps into a wider pool of talent, increasing the chances of bug detection before any significant security threats emerge. Furthermore, these programs bolster a company's public image, signaling a commitment to robust security practices to both the public and regulatory bodies. The popularity of bug bounty programs continues to rise, increasingly regarded as an industry standard for companies invested in cybersecurity. Motivations for Researchers and Hackers Participants in bug bounty programs are motivated by the potential for cash rewards and recognition. For some, it represents a lucrative income source or a way to showcase their skills. Recently, Google rewarded an Indore-based techie around ₹6.5 million for discovering 232 Android vulnerabilities through its bug bounty program. Additionally, participants find value in networking opportunities with a company’s security team and view these programs as an enjoyable and legal platform to test their skills against large organizations and government agencies. Benefits of Bug Bounty Programs Increased Vulnerability Detection Bug bounty programs play a pivotal role in identifying vulnerabilities within a company's applications. By encouraging the discovery and resolution of bugs, they prevent potential exploitation by cybercriminals, thereby safeguarding a company's reputation and minimizing the risk of high-value breaches. Cost Reduction These programs offer significant cost savings compared to dealing with cybersecurity incidents resulting from undiscovered vulnerabilities. The cost of paying a bounty for bug detection is notably lower than the expenses incurred due to data breaches. Access to Diverse Talent Bug bounty programs grant companies access to a broad pool of specialized talent that may otherwise be unaffordable or challenging to assemble in-house. This diversity allows for comprehensive vulnerability testing and analysis from skilled bug hunters. Realistic Threat Simulation Through bug bounty programs, companies simulate real-world scenarios, allowing bug hunters to act as potential cyber attackers. This approach enhances the realism of vulnerability assessments, ensuring a more thorough evaluation of security measures. The Aleph Zero Bug Bounty Program with Immunefi Aleph Zero has partnered with Immunefi to launch a bug bounty program aimed at enhancing the network's security. The program incentivizes white-hat hackers to discover and report vulnerabilities within the Aleph Zero blockchain. The rewards are distributed based on the Immunefi Vulnerability Severity Classification System V2.1, which categorizes vulnerabilities into five levels based on their potential impact on blockchains/DLTs. Critical: up to 50,000 USD High: up to 15,000 USD Medium: up to 5,000 USD Low: up to 1,000 USD Rewards are distributed in USD, but payments are made in USDT, USDC, and AZERO tokens, varying based on the severity of the reported vulnerability. The scope of the program includes Aleph Node and AlephBFT Crates, listing specific assets eligible for the bug bounty. Participants discovering vulnerabilities beyond the program's scope are encouraged to submit them to the Aleph Zero team for further review. Conclusion Bug bounty programs have evolved into essential strategies for bolstering the security of digital ecosystems. These initiatives not only leverage the expertise of skilled researchers but also act as a proactive measure against potential cyber threats. The collaborative nature of bug bounty programs ensures that vulnerabilities are identified and resolved before they can be exploited maliciously, thereby fortifying the overall security posture of organizations and networks. References:

  • Building Stronger Communities: Unveiling the Power of Ambassadors in Web3

    In the digital landscape of Web3, communities have become the cornerstone of success for crypto platforms. These engaged communities drive innovation, advocacy, and growth, making them the most valuable asset for projects. Enter the unsung heroes - the Ambassadors. This article dives into the pivotal role of Ambassadors in fortifying and expanding the horizons of these dynamic communities. Understanding Web3 Ambassador Programs Web3 Ambassador Programs are the backbone of community-driven initiatives. They serve as the bridge between projects and their communities, embodying the core values and ethos of the respective ecosystems. By engaging with enthusiasts, fostering education, and driving meaningful interaction, Ambassadors play a vital role in promoting the growth and sustainability of these communities. The Significance of Ambassadors Advocates and Representatives Ambassadors aren't mere representatives; they're passionate advocates championing the cause of their projects. They spread awareness, educate, and inspire others to join the movement, serving as the face and voice of the community. Empowerment and Engagement These programs empower contributors to actively participate and impact the growth trajectory of the projects they believe in. By facilitating dialogue, sharing knowledge, and initiating discussions, Ambassadors drive engagement and encourage community involvement. Ambassador Programs in the Aleph Zero Ecosystem AZERO.ID AZERO.ID's Ambassador Program is an inclusive initiative that rewards impactful contributions to both the community and the broader Aleph Zero ecosystem. The program evolves continually to ensure that rewards align with the valuable efforts of the community. The AZERO.ID Ambassador Program offers a wealth of benefits and rewards, designed to recognize and appreciate the dedication and contributions of its members. Ambassadors are granted access to a range of exclusive advantages, fostering a deeper connection with the community and the core team while providing avenues for personal growth and engagement: Private Channels: Ambassadors gain entry to exclusive communication channels, providing firsthand insights into upcoming developments, events, and closer interaction with the core team. Branded Merch: Ambassadors receive cool and exclusive AZERO.ID merchandise, showcasing their support for the platform and the community. Retrospective Rewards: Based on long-term involvement and contributions, ambassadors have the potential to receive retrospective rewards from the future DAO, acknowledging their continuous commitment to the ecosystem. Personal Domain: Ambassadors can secure their very own .azero domain, creating a personalized digital identity within the ecosystem. Join the AZERO.ID ambassador program here. Aleph Zero At Aleph Zero, Ambassadors stand as educators and collaborators, aiding in community management, translations, and beta-testing new features. They serve as vital conduits between the core team and the community, fostering mutual growth. The Aleph Zero Ambassador Program offers compelling incentives to acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of its members: Bounties: Rewarding contributions to various tasks with remuneration, including content creation, translations, and documentation. Free Swag: Exclusive Aleph Zero branded merchandise for ambassadors, allowing them to proudly represent the network. Exclusive NFTs: Unique digital assets provided to ambassadors once the NFT infrastructure is established within Aleph Zero. Direct Collaboration: Ambassadors enjoy direct communication channels with the Aleph Zero core team, fostering potential collaborations and work opportunities. Join the Aleph Zero ambassador program here. AngelBlock AngelBlock's Ambassador Program is more than a partnership; it's a commitment to nurturing an engaged community that actively contributes to collective success. It focuses on passionate individuals dedicated to making meaningful contributions to the project's mission. The AngelBlock Ambassador Program offers a range of enticing perks and rewards, designed to recognize and celebrate the invaluable contributions of its dedicated members. Ambassadors enjoy exclusive benefits, fostering closer connections with the community and the core team, while reaping rewards for their commitment and efforts: Early Access & Support: Ambassadors gain early access to updates, new features, and direct support from the AngelBlock team, staying ahead of the curve and influencing the platform's growth. Ambassador-Only Channels: Exclusive access to specialized channels facilitates direct communication with fellow community members and the AngelBlock team, fostering meaningful connections and collaborations. THOL Token Rewards: To express gratitude for their promotional efforts, every ambassador receives THOL tokens, recognizing their valuable contribution to the AngelBlock ecosystem. Swag & Event Access: Ambassadors receive special AngelBlock swag, showcasing their support for the project. Additionally, they receive exclusive invitations to conferences and team meetups, providing networking opportunities and immersive experiences. Join the AngelBlock ambassador program here. Panjea The Panjea Pioneer Program stands as an exclusive and elite ambassador initiative, designed specifically for top-tier content creators. This invitation-only program aims to empower and engage leading content creators, leveraging their influence to amplify the message of Panjea throughout the crypto sphere. The Panjea Pioneer Program doesn't just acknowledge dedication; it rewards it generously. Pioneers stepping into this exclusive initiative can expect a suite of perks and rewards that honor their commitment to championing Panjea: Eternal Recognition: Pioneers will receive a prestigious legacy badge on their profiles, commemorating their invaluable contributions to the growth and success of Panjea's journey. Early Access Privileges: Pioneers will gain exclusive access to testnet pre-panj, providing them with a firsthand experience of Panjea's functionalities and capabilities before its official launch. Token Gratification: Pioneers will be duly rewarded with PANJ tokens, reflecting their dedication and involvement within the program. Rewards will be based on the level of engagement and contribution, recognizing their pivotal role in advocating for Panjea's mission and values. Access to the Panjea Pioneers Program is available through invitation only, with two possible pathways to entry: 1. Stay active and lend a hand in Panjea Discord. 2. Reach the top of Panjea's Zealy Leaderboard by month's end. Conclusion In conclusion, Ambassador Programs in Web3 exemplify the power of community-driven initiatives. They create avenues for enthusiasts to contribute, learn, and grow alongside the projects they support. As the Web3 landscape continues to evolve, these programs stand as pillars, fostering a culture of collaboration and empowerment within crypto ecosystems. References:

  • Explora Online: Unveiling the 2D MMORPG in the Age of Exploration

    Explora Online, a 2D MMORPG, takes players on a journey back to the Age of Exploration, a time when wooden ships dominated the seas and uncharted territories awaited discovery. In this fantastical world named Zerth, players set sail across vast oceans, exploring new lands, hunting for treasures, and encountering diverse cultures! Navigating the High Seas The objective of the game is to unlock territories, claim land, earn gold, and discover new artifacts around the world. You’ll be sent on quests by your kingdom or participate in ‘Global’ quests such as being the first to circumnavigate or finding the Fountain of Youth. Infrastructure The infrastructure of Explora Online is built on three key components: your Explora Online Account, the Explora Online game itself, and the NFT Marketplace on Aleph Zero. Gameplay Stats The 3 main stats in the game are Gold, Stars, and Power. Gold Gold in the game serves multiple purposes, enabling players to acquire custom skins like personalized sails for their ships, upgrade their vessels, procure power points, engage in bribery, bury treasures, and much more. Stars Players earn stars by engaging in tavern games within port cities, receiving 5 stars automatically every 30 minutes, with a cap set at 50. To acquire more, one can either purchase from the EO game store, earn through staking, quests, discoveries, or participate in tavern games! Power Power in Explora symbolizes manpower, weaponry, and cannons. In moments of conflict, whether on sea or land, your power points indicate your capability to attack towns, villages, or other ships, and determine your defense prowess. As you enhance your ship, you can elevate the maximum threshold of power you can wield. This progression enables greater strength and strategic advantages during encounters. In-Game Assets In-game assets are divided into Avatars, Ships, Items, and Discoveries, ensuring easy trading without selling the entire account. Avatars Avatars represent the characters you command. These assets encapsulate the character's journey, preserving the game history and knowledge acquired during gameplay. Additionally, the avatar stores all in-game currencies linked to the character, alongside ranks, levels, and allegiance, forming an integral part of the gaming experience. Ships Ships serve as the primary vessels for navigating across the expansive globe in Explora Online. They're more than mere transportation; these vessels can be upgraded, possess health attributes, and feature diverse power-ups that offer unique advantages during both exploration and battles on the high seas. Items You can gather Items during your explorations, and quests, or by visiting shops within port cities along your voyage. These acquisitions serve as power-ups for your ship or provide temporary boosts for your avatar. Items are tiered in rarity, ranging from common to rare, epic, and mythical, offering varying degrees of advantage and uniqueness. Discoveries Discoveries in Explora are crucial assets found across the globe as you explore uncharted territories. These unique collectibles are strategically scattered across the map, awaiting discovery in distinct locations. Some discoveries offer power-ups, while others are exclusive 1-of-1 items valued by kingdoms, tradable for in-game gold, or potentially sold as NFTs to fellow players. Revealing the Tavern Dice Game in Explora An intriguing facet showcased during the alpha phase of the game is the Tavern Dice Game, a captivating pastime within the Explora world. This game of chance entices players to roll the dice and unlock varying rewards based on their rolls. The reward tiers are designed to intensify with the rarity of the combinations achieved. For instance, rolling a set of four matching numbers might yield a bounty of stars, while three-of-a-kind or even two pairs can lead to lucrative gold rewards. The Tavern Dice Game's mechanics exhibit a thrilling gameplay element, enticing players with escalating rewards based on their dice combinations. This game (within a game) offers an engaging diversion for explorers seeking fortune and entertainment in their endeavors. Roadmap The roadmap is characterized by ambitious goals and well-defined milestones that, if successfully executed, have the potential to establish a solid foundation for the project and facilitate its expansion. Aleph Zero Ecosystem Funding Program Explora Online has been accepted into the Aleph Zero Ecosystem Funding Program (EFP), securing support to advance its development. Its infrastructure allows for diverse account creation, Web3 integration, and a secure NFT Marketplace built on the AZERO blockchain. The team wishes to remain under stealth mode, but they'll begin to reveal more about themselves as the project enters closed beta stages and they get more acquainted with the Aleph Zero community. Since they're part of the EFP, they are doxed by the Aleph Zero team! Conclusion Explora Online revolutionizes the gaming sphere by addressing prevalent challenges and offering an immersive, decentralized, and transparent gaming experience. Its innovative features, pave the way for a new era in MMORPG gaming. References:

  • Binance CEO, CZ Pleads Guilty to Failing to Prevent Money Laundering; Steps Down from his role

    The news of Sam Altman getting fired from OpenAI wasn’t a good enough “step-down-as-a-hero” story. Some hours ago, breaking news sent the entire crypto market into endless speculation. Founder and CEO of the largest crypto exchange, Binance, stepped down from his role and it’s not because he needed a gap year on his CV. Changpeng Zhao (popularly called CZ), a well-respected thought leader in the crypto space and someone consistent in reminding Binance users that their funds are SAFU, reportedly stepped down from his executive role as CEO of the exchange. The step-down was part of the agreement between the exchange and the Department Of Justice (DOJ). How it all started The Department of Justice, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), and other authorities have been looking into allegations of anti-money laundering and sanction issues for years and Binance happened to be on its radar. The investigation has been ongoing for a while now for the following allegations: Diverting users’ funds. Operating as an unregistered securities exchange violates a section of the U.S. securities laws. Processing transactions by illegal actors and these transactions supported several criminal activities like illegal narcotics, child sexual abuse, terrorism (Hamas group for instance), etc. US Attorney General, Merrick Garland, insisted that Binance attained its height as the world’s largest crypto exchange due to the hidden crimes committed within the exchange which CZ intentionally turned a blind eye to make a profit. The now-former CEO pleaded guilty to his inability to prevent money laundering on his exchange by violating anti-money laundering requirements and has taken full responsibility. “I made mistakes and I must take responsibility. This is best for our community, Binance, and myself,” he tweeted on X a few hours after the news got out. Better to stand down and see your company survive, than fight and see your sweat go down the drain, right? Agreement between Binance and the DOJ: Binance will be subjected to five years of close monitoring by the Treasury Department. Changpeng Zhao’s exit as Binance’s CEO. Roughly $4 billion penalty settlement. The US Attorney General acknowledged that this is one of the biggest penalties that has ever been obtained from a corporate defendant in a criminal suit. CZ gets to retain his stakeholder position in the company. What Next CZ’s sentencing has been set for February 23, 2024, but he is unlikely to face jail time as a result of his plea deal. It isn’t over for the exchange…at least not yet. A new CEO has already been appointed as of yesterday. Binance’s now former Global Head of Regional Markets, Richard Teng has been named new CEO of Binance. He assumed his role immediately and was to ensure the exchange continued its activities as usual. “With Richard and the entire team, I’m confident that the best days for Binance and the crypto industry lay ahead,” Zhao stated. He also mentioned that he would remain available to the team to consult. Outlining his next steps, CZ pointed out that he’ll take a much-needed break, after which he might be a passive investor in startups within the blockchain/DeFI/AI/biotech ecosystem. He also stated that he can’t see himself being CEO of a startup again but may be open to privately coaching and mentoring a few upcoming entrepreneurs. In the concluding part of what seems to be his last tweet as Binance’s CEO, he once again reassured users that their funds are SAFU. Richard Teng, accepting his promotion, tweeted “It is an honour and with the deepest humility that I step into the role of Binance’s new CEO.” Market Impact: Unexpectedly, the news has had no significant setback on the market. The $4 billion fine, as reported, won’t cause a huge dent in Binance's reserve as it’s capable of continuing operation smoothly afterwards. Community Reaction: As expected, news like this gave rise to a community belonging to two different schools of thought. School of Thought #1: Crypto users are in constant admiration of the former CEO and believe that Binance is far from collapsing. School of Thought #2 Crypto users must have learned their lessons the “FTX way” and are not taking chances. There has been a decline in BNB and other smaller cryptocurrencies since the news made headlines but there hasn’t been any real impact.

  • Exploring AngelBlock's Transparent and Decentralized Protocol

    In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, innovations continue to reshape how projects are funded and managed. One such groundbreaking development is AngelBlock, a non-custodial, protocol-based fundraising infrastructure. AngelBlock is designed to introduce a new era of transparency, decentralization, and democratization to token-based fundraising, vesting, and distribution. This article will delve into the key features and benefits of AngelBlock, addressing the prevalent issues in the current fundraising landscape and demonstrating how AngelBlock's protocol seeks to address these challenges. Addressing Market Problems AngelBlock tackles several challenges prevalent in the current crypto fundraising landscape: Fragmentation and Inefficiency: The crypto fundraising environment is fragmented and inefficient, fostering distrust. AngelBlock centralizes and secures fundraising processes, making them transparent and governed by protocol. Risk of Rugpulls: The protocol ensures contributor funds are protected on-chain, with capital released only upon startup delivery of milestones. In case of a scam or rugpull attempt, investors can vote to revert funds to contributors. Lack of Transparent Vesting: Smart contracts on AngelBlock enable transparent, on-chain vesting, eliminating the risk of teams dumping "locked-up" tokens. Infrastructure Standardization: AngelBlock introduces an infrastructure standard for raising, vesting, and distributing assets, preventing token sales' mismanagement and misuse. Badges Badges are an ERC-1155 token that are instrumental within the AngelBlock protocol. They not only represent a contributors voting power in a given raise, but also the contributor's position in vested tokens. Vested tokens paid out after the conclusion of a given fundraise are designated by badge location. Badges are NFTs that are automatically generated upon taking part in a given fundraise. Milestone-Based Model AngelBlock's milestone-based model ensures a secure, transparent, and decentralized fundraising process. Startups declare upcoming milestones, and contributors vote based on milestone completion. This model minimizes risks and allows contributors to halt smart contract payouts if issues arise. Governance and Voting The protocol employs a robust governance mechanism, where eligible investors participate in standard voting. Voting results determine milestone approval or rejection. Additionally, startups can apply for milestone and roadmap replanning, subject to investor approval. The THOL Token At the heart of AngelBlock's transformative ecosystem lies the THOL token, a digital asset designed for multifaceted utility and strategic governance. THOL, plays a pivotal role in the protocol: Token Staking: THOL allows users to earn deflationary APY by staking and nominating validators of startups. Gas Payment: THOL is used to pay gas within the protocol, eliminating the need for ETH on the user's side. Protocol Interactions: THOL is required for all protocol interactions, including participating in raises, buying and selling badges, and claiming tokens. Additional Privileges: Holding THOL in the wallet provides additional privileges, such as priority deals and community-building incentives. AngelBlock NFTs AngelBlock NFTs, provides holders with utility features on the platform and additional benefits. The NFTs are not just a branding mechanism but also represent a potential revenue stream for the platform. The team The core team behind AngelBlock comprises seasoned professionals, each boasting over a decade of expertise in diverse fields, including finance, legal, technology, and the blockchain/crypto industries. Collectively, their extensive experience forms the bedrock of AngelBlock's innovative approach to decentralized fundraising, ensuring a blend of financial acumen, legal proficiency, and cutting-edge technological know-how. Below, you can find the list of individuals that make up the founding team of AngelBlock. Alex Strześniewski (Founder & CEO) Alex has focused on crypto and crypto-based startups for the last 6+ years. He’s passionate about the way that blockchain can impact the world as a whole and change the way people think of value and its transfer. A former crypto-fiat exchange executive, Alex has years of management and operations experience and has helped companies navigate the ever-changing regulatory landscape. He has worked as a blockchain consultant for one of the largest FMCG companies in Europe, led various projects through obtaining regulatory licenses in the crypto space, and has been an active advisor and investor in numerous crypto and FinTech projects. If you would like to see more of Alex's work, here's his LinkedIn profile. Marcin Majchrzak (Co-founder & CTO) Marcin had his first successful startup launch in junior high school and since then he’s been a mainstay of hackathons, competitions and pioneered development that lead him to running the blockchain department in one of the larger software houses on the European market. One of Marcin’s latest works was dedicated to improving the speed of pharmaceutical drug delivery and another one where he contributed to one of the upcoming DeFi option trading AMMs. If you would like to see more of Marcin's work, here's his LinkedIn profile. Dawid Wasilewski (Co-founder & CLO) Dawid has specialized experience within the Blockchain space as he held the position of Head of Legal at an International Cryptocurrency exchange for a two year period prior to joining AngelBlock. He is ahead of his field with regards to regulatory knowledge and application within this space. If you would like to see more of Dawid's work, here's his LinkedIn profile. Advisors AngelBlock's advisor team brings a wealth of experience and expertise in the blockchain industry and finance. Conclusion AngelBlock's protocol emerges as a transformative force in the crypto fundraising landscape, offering a solution to the inefficiencies, lack of transparency, and risks associated with current practices. By integrating a decentralized, on-chain, and transparent framework, AngelBlock aims to set a universal standard for fundraising, vesting, and token distribution across various blockchain ecosystems. References:

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