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The Synergy between Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) and WebAssembly (WASM)


Over time, the development of the digital landscape has been marked by technological breakthroughs that have reshaped our perception of what is possible. Blockchain is one of such technological breakthroughs. Blockchain technology has become a revolutionary force transforming the digital landscape across several sectors. 

Another technological breakthrough that is gaining momentum is Zero-Knowledge Proofs. Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), even before the advancement of blockchain technology, have a history in various industries, providing security and privacy among their numerous applications. The integration of zero-knowledge and blockchain technology is expected to expand in the coming years.

WebAssembly (WASM) was developed in 2015 and soon after, sought its way to becoming one of the top web languages. It is a web browser programming language based on binary data. WebAssembly is a secure and effective language that translates high-level source codes derived from various languages into portable bytecode that runs on a variety of applications. These languages include C, C++, and Rust. When WebAssembly emerged, there were lots of arguments as to whether it would replace Javascript. However, it has shown its stance as a programming language that complements Javascript instead. Hence, it integrates Javascript to ensure the smooth operation of applications on web pages.

The blockchain industry went wild with the integration of Zero-Knowledge Proofs and EVM (an Ethereum-based virtual machine) which is, undoubtedly, an amazing combination that saw the development of multiple zkEVM rollups last year. However, there are still some constraints with the integration. As dApps become increasingly popular, there is a growing demand for security and privacy. This is where WebAssembly (WASM) and Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) come into play since they are a prominent combination.

The combination of Web Assembly (WASM) and Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) represents a major development in the areas of privacy and security for the digital age and this article aims to explore the marriage between Zero-Knowledge Proofs and WebAssembly.

The Synergy of Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) & WebAssembly (WASM)

ZKPs and WASM are two innovations paving the way for secure and scalable dApps. Combining the cryptographic security of ZKPs with the versatility of WASM, protocols and blockchains like Aleph Zero are building significant web3 applications that improve privacy and security in the digital landscape.

An underlying runtime environment that allows the smooth coherence of ZKPs and WASM is the virtual machine - zkWASM VM. 

But what is a Virtual Machine (VM)? A virtual machine is what it is - a virtual machine. To give a more concrete explanation, virtual machines are systems that act like physical machines, run on physical machines (referred to as hosts) but use software to execute programs. Just like physical machines (e.g., smartphones, PCs, etc), virtual machines have their operating systems.

In the blockchain space, virtual machines execute smart contracts. Think of zkWASM-VM as virtual machines specific to protocols or networks that marry the bytecode functionality of WASM and the security of zero-knowledge tech into one. Meaning, zkWASM-VM is a machine that executes WebAssembly code and supports ZKP generation.

The virtual machine that WASM code runs inside is a barrier between the code and the underlying host (hardware). This creates a more secure environment for sensitive code execution by making it more difficult for malicious actors to hack and exploit vulnerabilities.

Aleph Zero Implementing the Use of ZKPs and WASM

Aleph Zero uses the WASM virtual machine together with the ink! programming language, making it easy for developers to deploy solutions ranging from DeFi, gaming, etc, that are scalable, private, and secure. In an article published last year, Aleph Zero explains their reason for choosing to execute smart contracts with WASM and ink! instead of EVM, a more popular option. You can read about it here.

Capabilities of ZKPs and WASM

The integration of ZKPs and WASM prompts the conceptualization of a lot of developments. Some of these developments are:

  1. Private smart contracts: Smart contracts are self-executing programs that are triggered when pre-determined conditions are attained. Smart contracts built on public blockchains are transparent for observers to see. Nonetheless, the creation of private smart contracts has been prompted by privacy concerns. The purpose of these contracts is to improve the confidentiality of the information that they contain. The goal is to allow parties to carry out smart contract execution and transactions without disclosing to the network or other parties the details of the transactions.

  2. Increased security in dApps and authentication protocols: Based on a report published by IT Governance, a leading global provider of cyber security and privacy management solutions, there were over two thousand data breach incidents in 2023, with billions of records breached. The blockchain industry is not pardoned. Millions have been stolen due to security breaches in dApps, smart contracts, and authentication protocols (meant to facilitate the secure transfer of authentication data) which makes people question if blockchain technology is truly as secure as it has been publicized to be.

  3. Cross-platform compatibility: Long before, native apps were the deal but with the increasing demand for cross-platform desktop apps, developers are always on the lookout for innovative ways to develop solutions. The emergence of WebAssembly brought about a new era in the aspect of cross-platform application development, making WASM applications compatible with multiple platforms.

  4. Improved scalability: WebAssembly is capable of handling complex computations and can, therefore, be used to improve the performance and speed of applications. This makes it a viable platform for developing applications that handle a lot of data or need to accommodate a lot of users (for instance, blockchain dApps). 

Use Cases of Integration of ZKPs and WASM

The combination of zero-knowledge proofs and an efficient programming language like WebAssembly creates a lot of use cases both for projects and end users. Here are some of the use cases from the synergy between ZKPs and WASM.

  1. Financial transactions: For transaction confidentiality to be maintained in blockchain-based systems and financial applications, privacy is essential. ZKPs, when combined with WebAssembly, can be applied in creating solutions that aid in the protection of financial transactions and provide privacy. Users can validate transactions without providing specific details, and the use of WebAssembly to carry out these verifications guarantees quick and safe financial transactions across diverse platforms.

  2. Decentralized Identity Management: ZKPs can be used in decentralized identity systems to prove ownership of certain information without disclosing sensitive data, while WASM can ensure seamless identity verification processes.

  3. Supply chain management: Before now, we’ve discussed the role of zero-knowledge proofs in supply chain management. In an industry like the supply chain where information regarding products must be shared amongst multiple stakeholders, a need for cross-platform compatible applications persists. Decentralized apps that can provide safe and privacy-preserving data sharing by integrating ZKPs with WebAssembly can be developed for this purpose.

  4. Healthcare: The combination of ZKPs with WebAssembly has enormous potential in the healthcare industry. Because medical data is sensitive, privacy regulations must be adhered to. Healthcare apps and software that use ZKPs can process confidential data in a way that keeps patient information private, facilitating collaboration between many entities. When integrated with WebAssembly, they make sure that these privacy-preserving processes can be carried out uniformly across various healthcare systems.

  5. E-voting: ZKPs can improve the privacy of voting systems by enabling people to prove their eligibility without revealing their votes. The voting procedure can be carried out securely across multiple platforms with the use of WebAssembly.


Zero-Knowledge Proofs and WebAssembly are, without a doubt, a powerful pair. However, they are not without constraints, some of which are: the computational overhead that can arise due to the complexity of the protocols, developers not yet overly familiar with using WASM let alone integrating with ZKPs, the issue of maintaining the balance between privacy and regulatory compliance depending on the industry and sometimes, location, etc. Although, there has been a lot of anticipation for solutions to these challenges with ongoing advancements in cryptographic research and development.

The synergy between ZKPs and WebAssembly opens up new possibilities for innovation and growth in the digital realm, from improving security in online apps to simplifying transactions in numerous industries that respect privacy.



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