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The Pedagogical Palette: Exploring Diverse Teaching Methods

Panjea: SocialFi Evolved

(And yes, if you read the title correctly, it's a direct nod to the classic video game title Halo: Combat Evolved)

Before starting this, this article will be comprised of 6 parts: The Problem, The Solution, The Tokenomics, The Team, and The Conclusion. So make sure to start from the beginning (The Problem) to understand initially what Panjea is trying to solve. With that out of the way, let’s begin with the first part.

The Problem:

With the social media we see now, platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Twitch, YouTube, and so on, only seek to strengthen their grip on the creative space, without taking into consideration developing a new model that works best for everyone and not just for the few.

I think we all know that these platforms are notorious for collecting user data to sell for a profit to third parties that want to advertise products that you don’t even want. They’re a shell of what they used to be when they first started, and instead, they’ve been plagued by an evil parasite (corporate greed) that’s been corrupting them for years.

Not only that, but current platforms have also taken a massive toll on Gen Z to be exact, ranging from mental health issues to financial problems. Heck, scientists have even come out with studies about TikTok and its dangers, and how a Goldfish has more of an attention span than Gen Z, which immediately rings an alarm in anyone’s head.

Another problem that most people can see on all of these platforms is that the little guy is hardly even recognized due to a small number of influencers taking a massive amount of control of the sites and manipulating the algorithm, pushing useless drama and content down our throats, which we feed on like seagulls, craving for the next useless piece of content every time we log on. Not only that but these influencers get paid exuberant amounts of money when doing this, while the little guy who wants to share their creative work gets little to no views and gets paid nothing for their work.

I’ve seen this all happen on sites like YouTube and Twitch, where the biggest influencers have a bigger following, and get paid massive amounts of money (if you’ve seen the infamous Twitch hack back in October 2021, you’d know what I mean), and get to push their influence on the younger generations’ minds — not allowing them to reach their full potential. Because of this, the majority of users on these platforms who want to show their creative work get little to no views, fail to get a following whatsoever and hardly get paid a dime for their efforts.

Finally, bots and censorship is the most important issue that everyone wishes could be gone forever. Bots have also been a huge problem on these sites, crawling from the depths of the internet and spreading scams and phishing links that can lead to anyone’s sensitive data being stolen and used against their own will if they are not careful when traversing on one of these platforms. It's relatively easy for bad actors to start an account without any KYC on some of these social media sites and then they can begin scamming anyone they target.

When these social media platforms first began, censorship was hardly even a problem because the founders and team allowed their users to express their creative interest and their personal opinions about the world we see today.

However, once these platforms were sold out to tech conglomerates like Google, Amazon, and Meta, that’s where censorship began to dig its roots into these sites and spread across the internet, mass banning users from spreading misinformation or information that these corporations/governments don’t want to be seen by the general public (like how Twitter banned Donald Trump from the platform for telling his followers that the election was rigged and that he won the 2020 election, which controversially lead to the Jan 6 Capital Riots in 2021 at the U.S. Capital building in Washington, DC).

Now I know what you’re thinking: what if there’s another way, where we can steer away from these problems and allow the little guy to not only get a chance to find their home on the internet but also get paid for their creative work? What if there is a way where corporations don’t collect data for profit and don’t censor us for expressing our own opinions? What if there is another way to reduce the amount of bots that are plaguing the platforms we see today?

Panjea. Just Be Yourself

The Solution:

Panjea is a blockchain-based content network that's building on Aleph Zero in hopes of revolutionizing the internet today with a new business model that proves worthy for anyone who has creative talent/interest and wants to show anyone what they’re capable of. To quote themselves on their ‘About’ page:

“It gives artists a home and a sustainable lifestyle — where their creativity and the attention it attracts can be promoted without judgement”.

Without a doubt, it is very exciting to see what Panjea has been doing in the background, especially with the most recent announcements about their development on the social media platform, including having a PoC MVP / beta launch of Panjea nearly ready (as of writing 17/10/2023) and some product shots even included!

They created the Panjea network to correct many of the problems that have arisen from web 2.0 social media platforms (as discussed in ‘The Problem’ section), such as:

  • Not collecting any form of data on user behaviour

  • Content does not have to be backed by adverts

  • Their network is free from advertiser rules

  • Finally, there is no centralized control

Because of this, everything on Panjea is run, moderated, and most importantly owned by their users. The most vital function Panjea has to offer is curation, where rather than simply relying on an algorithm to show users the content that best fulfils the aims of the network and not the user base, the users are free to generate their links — building the network around what they think is useful, pertinent and interesting. Panjea is owned by nobody, can be used by everyone, and benefits everybody.

Panjea utilizes a nodal framework to connect similar content. What this means is that users can upload multiple media/seed types to any point in the network. These seed types include:

  • Text: Pure text post (would be for book chapters or similar)

  • Text and Graphic(s): Like a medium article, where you can add simple layout structures and add text and images

  • Music: Add single songs

  • Album(s): Add a selection of songs

  • Video(s): A video page (e.g., YouTube / Rumble)

  • Playlist(s): Links to existing music seeds

  • Curated List(s): Links to existing content seeds

  • Game(s): This would load whitelisted games to load inside a div

  • Chat room(s): A standard multi-person chat room and user list

Unlike other comparative products, Panjea has an inbuilt economy, where all users must pay monthly basic subscription fees that are paid in the PANJ token and are fixed in USD to get onto the network, and any creator must pay to upload media or curate the network. But don’t fret, 90% of this value is returned to the creators from the daily rewards pool (more on this later in this section).

Panjea also is in the works to implement its own KYC verification system called PoL (Proof-of-Life), which all users must successfully pass to be accepted onto the network. They believe the PoL system will become a vital function of Panjea, assuring its user base that they are not dealing with information proliferated by bots or untrusted sources — and even in the future, assuring its users that each contact is human and verified.

However, if you stop subscribing, you’ll lose access to Panjea, and whilst Panjea can be linked from other sites, there’s still a need for users to be subscribed to see what’s going on behind the closed doors.

Every 24 hours, Panjea automatically generates a reward pool of coins that is distributed back to the contributors:

  • If a creator’s content is viewed, they get paid

  • If a creator’s content is linked, they get paid

  • If a network node processes content viewing, it gets paid

  • If engineers design new ways to view and explore content, they get paid

  • If a creator remixes, takes inspiration from, or re-edits existing content, they get paid

Creators can earn revenue through multiple channels within the 24-hour rewards cycle:

  • Through every single view: Forget likes, endorsements, and shares. Content creators on Panjea are paid a set amount of PANJ for every single view/play.

  • Through content curation: Panjea isn’t about algorithms. Users are free to increase the prominence of any piece of content by spawning or strengthening links, thereby increasing the potential engagement and taking a share of the content reward pool.

  • Through incentivized liquidity pools: To decouple Panjea’s reliance on centralized exchanges (CEXs), they will instead offer incentivized liquidity pool rewards during the first 4 years of expansion.

The Tokenomics:

Above are the detailed Tokenomics that the team has designed to benefit the Panjea ecosystem for the long term. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Total Supply: 100,000,000 PANJ — This is the total/max supply of the PANJ token (PANJ being the ticker symbol), where the supply can NEVER exceed 100m. After the 4 year distribution period, the daily rewards can be funded when the ecosystem is in its expansion phase. Also, the greater the no. of PANJ burned through content updates and subscriptions, the larger the reward pool available for daily reward emissions.

  • Oh, and also, every single transaction within the Panjea network from subscriptions to posting content burns PANJ. Thus, PANJ is then subsequently emitted to reward creators, curators and pay coin lotteries.

  • 5% (5M) Private Sale: 25% will be unlocked at Genesis, and 75% will be vested linearly over 1 year. Any unsold tokens will be burned.

  • 10% (10M) Public Sale: 50% will be unlocked at Genesis, and 50% will be vested linearly over 6 months. Again, all unsold tokens will be subsequently burned.

  • 15% (15M) Team: The team allocation will be vested linearly over 3 years.

  • 5% (5M) Ecosystem Fund: This includes 2M to be unlocked at Genesis to seed liquidity pools and launch network costs (IPFS fees), while the rest (3M) will be vested in a 2-year timeframe.

  • 5% (5M) Strategic Partners: This allocation will be vested over 2 years.

  • 5% (5M) Marketing Partners: For this allocation, 1M is to be unlocked at Genesis to onboard high-quality content, while the rest (4M) will be vested over 2 years.

  • 5% (5M) Reserve, Security & Bug Bounties Fund: This will be vested over 2 years.

  • 10% (10M) Liquidity Providers: This allocation is designed for on-site coin swaps, and it’ll be vested over 4 years (4M for 1st year, 3M for 2nd year, 2M for 3rd year, and 1M for 4th year).

  • 40% (40M) Daily reward Pool: Finally, this one has a bigger allocation to greatly reward its creators, and the curators, and to pay for coin lotteries. This will be vested over 4 years (16M for 1st year, 12M for 2nd year, 8M for 3rd year, and 4M for 4th year). 10% of the Daily Reward Pool goes to the Ecosystem Fund, while 90% of the Daily Reward Pool is split between viewed content on the platform.

The Team:

The team at Panjea consists of 12 staunch developers and workers located in the UK, who are building the platform from the ground up to make it the best version of itself once they release it to the internet. Here are the founders of Panjea (also included their LinkedIn accounts if you would like to see their other works):

Kieron Bain (Creative Director):

Kieron is the Creative Director and the CEO & co-founder at Panjea and is a long-time content creator and an internet theorist. He’s worked extensively for a couple of social media platforms before surprisingly taking a career in music journalism, curating, and writing for one of the leading UK festival sites. He also became a brand narrative specialist in 2015 (the same year that Simon Roddis became his business partner!), leading projects for household brands and technology sites. Kieron initially started Panjea in 2019 with Luke Jobling, sketching the ideas and concepts of what the platform can be.

If you would like to know more about Kieron's work, here's his LinkedIn profile.

Simon Roddis (Brand Director):

Simon is the Brand Director and the 2nd co-founder at Panjea and is a skilled and accomplished design professional with a long-time career working on international brands. He’s responsible for the creative direction of campaigns for businesses ranging from global leaders to business start-ups. Being passionate about minimal, symbolic design and functional UI, Simon has both built the Panjea brand and the front-end design for the initial app.

If you would like to know more about Simon's work, here's his LinkedIn profile.

Luke Jobling (Managing Director):

Luke is the Lead Technologist Managing Director and the 3rd co-founder at Panjea, with a multi-discipline career stretching over finance, payments, and gaming. He most notably built the fully functioning platform and architecture for one of the UK’s leading gaming brands and has contributed proprietary RGS solutions for world-renowned providers. Here are some of his achievements:

  • Becoming a CTO level for 11 years,

  • Successfully managed 4 start-ups,

  • Has managed tech delivery teams of 50 IT professionals, and

  • Has great enterprise-level expertise.

If you would like to know more about Luke's work, here's his LinkedIn profile.

Lee Kerr (Technical Director):

Lee is the 4th co-founder and Technical Director at Panjea and is a true Crypto OG and a passionate blockchain enthusiast. He stumbled upon crypto whilst working in a career in web development and design and ever since then, he has become a devoted advocate of decentralized economies and information systems. He’s also an initial investor in Panjea and has deployed the key network connections with the Aleph Zero network.

If you would like to know more about Lee's work, here's his LinkedIn profile.

The Conclusion:

This article contains a lot for you to take in, and since I didn’t want to lengthen this article too much, I wasn’t able to go through everything else here (like the roadmap, how Panjea compares to its competitors, and so on). However, if you wish to know more about Panjea and its technology, go download their Litepaper and Whitepaper to get a deeper technical understanding of it, or go through their 5-part explainer series on their Medium account, which I’ve linked all articles of it below.

Also, if you would like to get the latest developments from Panjea themselves (as well as some words of wisdom), consider subscribing to their waiting list on their website (at the top and bottom of their site) at




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