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MOST: A Bridge Across Blockchains - Ethereum and Aleph Zero Unite


In blockchain, a cross-chain bridge refers to protocols or systems facilitating interoperability between different blockchains, enabling the transfer of assets, data, or information. Initially, blockchain networks like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others operated independently, each with various consensus mechanisms and native assets. This lack of efficient communication led to the need for alternative methods as the blockchain space expanded, and users sought seamless interaction with multiple decentralized ecosystems.

A cross-chain bridge serves as an interoperability solution, allowing for the smooth exchange of assets across different blockchain networks. This opens up new opportunities for cross-chain decentralized applications (dApps), services, and use cases like decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, token swaps, cross-chain asset transfers, and more.

Typically, a cross-chain bridge involves a bridge token or native asset representing the transferred value. Mechanisms like decentralized oracles, validators or guardians, and relayers are employed to verify transactions, ensuring security and consensus across participating blockchain networks.

Early cross-chain solutions involved wrapped tokens and centralized exchanges acting as intermediaries. However, as the blockchain ecosystem matured, developers and industry experts recognized the impracticality of this approach, leading to the creation of more robust cross-chain solutions.

How a Cross-chain Bridge Works

Below is how a cross-chain bridge works:

  • Bridging Mechanism: Utilizing smart contracts or similar mechanisms, cross-chain bridges establish a secure framework for transferring assets or data between disparate blockchain networks.

  • Native Assets: These bridges often require a native asset or collateralized token representing the transferred value, ensuring the security and integrity of transactions during the transfer process.

  • Validators or Guardians: Validators play a crucial role, serving as vanguards and custodians within the network, verifying transactions, and maintaining consensus across participating blockchains. They can be decentralized or operated by trusted external entities.

  • Decentralized Oracles: Oracles provide essential data for seamless cross-chain transfers by gathering information from external blockchains or off-chain sources.

  • Consensus Mechanisms: Cross-chain bridges employ various consensus mechanisms, such as multi-sig wallets or threshold signatures, ensuring agreement on transaction validity across different blockchains.

  • Asset Locking and Unlocking: This process involves locking assets on the source chain and unlocking the same native tokens from a liquidity pool on the destination chain, guaranteeing secure and accountable asset transfers between blockchains.

  • Governance and Security: Cross-chain bridges often incorporate governance mechanisms for user involvement in decision-making, coupled with rigorous security measures like audits and bug bounties.

  • User Experience: Prioritizing a seamless user experience, cross-chain bridges offer user-friendly interfaces, transaction monitoring, and notifications to keep users informed about the progress of their transactions.

The Importance of Cross-chain Bridges

  • Interoperability Facilitation: Crypto cross-chain bridges enable interoperability, addressing challenges in utilizing different tokens across blockchains for activities like staking, lending, and holding.

  • Evolution of Passive Income: Cross-chain bridges empower users to explore diverse on-chain passive income-generating protocols, shifting from traditional asset holding to dynamic options like staking, yield farming, and lending pools.

  • Token Compatibility as a Barrier: Cross-chain bridges overcome the challenge of blockchain compatibility, ensuring tokens are suitable for various activities such as staking, lending, and yield farming.

  • Enhanced Productivity through NFTs: These bridges contribute to cryptocurrency productivity by enabling the use of different tokens on a blockchain, including minting NFTs on various blockchains for collateral.

  • Liquidity Boost for DApps: Cross-chain bridges enhance liquidity for decentralized applications (dApps), which is crucial for new dApps seeking popularity by connecting to chains with excess liquidity and increasing Total Value Locked (TVL). This flexibility allows for seamless switching between networks, providing a solution to navigate congestion or address user interface (UI) issues.

Types of Cross-chain Bridges

  • Trustless Bridges: Crypto cross-chain bridges facilitate seamless asset transfers across diverse blockchain networks, offering various functionalities. They can transfer a single asset between two chains, exemplified by wBTC enabling BTC movement from the native chain to the ETH chain. Additionally, bridges like the Rainbow Bridge handle multiple assets between two chains, such as sending ETH and ERC-20 assets to the NEAR protocol. Others, like Wormhole, connect one chain to multiple chains, allowing asset transfers from Solana to Ethereum, Fantom, Avalanche, Terra, and Polygon. Furthering interoperability, bridges like Ren Bridge support the transfer of multiple assets, like BTC, Dogecoin, and ZCash, between Ethereum, Luna, Solana, and Polygon, promoting decentralized app liquidity. Some bridges, exemplified by AnySwap DEX, consolidate asset transfers on different chains under one platform, simplifying decentralized app usage. Finally, the Cross-chain landscape includes bridges supporting NFT transfers, providing users the flexibility to mint tokens on chains with lower fees and increased liquidity.

  • Trust Mechanism Bridges: In trust mechanism bridges or guardian-based cross-chain solutions, validators or guardians play a crucial role in facilitating transactions across different blockchain networks, thereby distributing central authority among them. The introduction of a multi-signature (multi-sig) wallet further decentralizes control within this guardian-based framework, enhancing security. In a multi-sig setup, transaction authorization requires consensus from multiple private keys held by different parties, adding an extra layer of security and mitigating risks associated with a singular point of control.

Ethereum Meets Aleph Zero: The MOST Connection

MOST is a guardian-based bridge proposed by Aleph Zero, facilitating users to move assets between the Ethereum and Aleph Zero networks seamlessly. In this setup, eight guardians oversee two instances for both the Testnet and Mainnet. These guardians wield control over governance keys, granting them authority for decision-making and potential modifications to the bridge's configuration.

The introduction of a multi-sig wallet for governance keys (one for Aleph Zero and another for Ethereum) enhances security by requiring multiple signatures for significant changes. This includes actions like performing contract upgrades or altering the composition of the guardian committee. Such measures contribute significantly to the overall robustness and decentralization of the bridge.

By offering lower transaction costs for bridging native ETH, stablecoins, and other ERC-20 tokens, MOST incentivizes users to migrate their assets from Ethereum to the Aleph Zero ecosystem. Lower fees make the transition more cost-effective for users, encouraging them to participate in Aleph Zero's network and utilize its features. This increased liquidity can enhance the overall vibrancy and functionality of Aleph Zero's ecosystem.

Aleph Zero's Bridging Strategy

Aleph Zero has devised a three-pronged approach to establish a comprehensive bridging infrastructure, facilitating seamless interactions between Aleph Zero and other blockchain ecosystems:

  • MOST as an Ethereum Bridge: Introducing "MOST" as an Ethereum bridge offers users a convenient and cost-effective method to transfer assets between the Aleph Zero and Ethereum networks, streamlining cross-chain transactions.

  • Integration with Router Protocol: Aleph Zero announced an integration with the Coinbase-backed Router Protocol in Q4 2023. This collaboration aims to provide fast, reliable, and cost-effective cross-chain swaps to the Aleph Zero network from multiple ecosystems, including Ethereum, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, Fantom, Base, Arbitrum, Near, Moonbeam, and Moonriver, with support for additional chains soon.

  • zParachain Bridge to Polkadot Ecosystem: The previously announced zParachain bridge connects Aleph Zero to the Polkadot ecosystem. This integration enables interoperability between the two blockchains, allowing assets and data to flow seamlessly between Aleph Zero and Polkadot.


Aleph Zero acknowledges the constraints posed by blockchain isolation and underscores the significance of adopting a user-centric approach. Central to this vision is empowering end users with the flexibility to seamlessly bridge between a diverse array of chains. MOST is Aleph Zero's vision of a cross-chain infrastructure that is not only fast, secure, and highly reliable but also ensures a consistently smooth and user-friendly experience. And here's a fun fact: "Most” is the word for “bridge” in many Slavic countries, namely in Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian, and Bulgarian.




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