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Explora Online: Unveiling the 2D MMORPG in the Age of Exploration

Explora Online is an 2D MMORPG game set in the Age of Exploration where wooden ships rule the seas, and old worlds meet new horizons.

Explora Online, a 2D MMORPG, takes players on a journey back to the Age of Exploration, a time when wooden ships dominated the seas and uncharted territories awaited discovery. In this fantastical world named Zerth, players set sail across vast oceans, exploring new lands, hunting for treasures, and encountering diverse cultures!

Navigating the High Seas

The objective of the game is to unlock territories, claim land, earn gold, and discover new artifacts around the world. You’ll be sent on quests by your kingdom or participate in ‘Global’ quests such as being the first to circumnavigate or finding the Fountain of Youth.

Explore, Raid, and Earn! Explora Online allows players to discovery new lands, plunder villages for gold, or stick to tavern games to test their luck!


The infrastructure of Explora Online is built on three key components: your Explora Online Account, the Explora Online game itself, and the NFT Marketplace on Aleph Zero.

Explora Online infrastructure

Gameplay Stats

The 3 main stats in the game are Gold, Stars, and Power.

In-game representation of gameplay stats


Gold in the game serves multiple purposes, enabling players to acquire custom skins like personalized sails for their ships, upgrade their vessels, procure power points, engage in bribery, bury treasures, and much more.


Players earn stars by engaging in tavern games within port cities, receiving 5 stars automatically every 30 minutes, with a cap set at 50. To acquire more, one can either purchase from the EO game store, earn through staking, quests, discoveries, or participate in tavern games!

Power Power in Explora symbolizes manpower, weaponry, and cannons. In moments of conflict, whether on sea or land, your power points indicate your capability to attack towns, villages, or other ships, and determine your defense prowess. As you enhance your ship, you can elevate the maximum threshold of power you can wield. This progression enables greater strength and strategic advantages during encounters.

In-Game Assets

In-game assets are divided into Avatars, Ships, Items, and Discoveries, ensuring easy trading without selling the entire account.


Avatars represent the characters you command. These assets encapsulate the character's journey, preserving the game history and knowledge acquired during gameplay. Additionally, the avatar stores all in-game currencies linked to the character, alongside ranks, levels, and allegiance, forming an integral part of the gaming experience.

Avatar representation


Ships serve as the primary vessels for navigating across the expansive globe in Explora Online. They're more than mere transportation; these vessels can be upgraded, possess health attributes, and feature diverse power-ups that offer unique advantages during both exploration and battles on the high seas.

Ship representation


You can gather Items during your explorations, and quests, or by visiting shops within port cities along your voyage. These acquisitions serve as power-ups for your ship or provide temporary boosts for your avatar. Items are tiered in rarity, ranging from common to rare, epic, and mythical, offering varying degrees of advantage and uniqueness.

Item representation


Discoveries in Explora are crucial assets found across the globe as you explore uncharted territories. These unique collectibles are strategically scattered across the map, awaiting discovery in distinct locations. Some discoveries offer power-ups, while others are exclusive 1-of-1 items valued by kingdoms, tradable for in-game gold, or potentially sold as NFTs to fellow players.

Discoveries representation

Revealing the Tavern Dice Game in Explora

An intriguing facet showcased during the alpha phase of the game is the Tavern Dice Game, a captivating pastime within the Explora world. This game of chance entices players to roll the dice and unlock varying rewards based on their rolls. The reward tiers are designed to intensify with the rarity of the combinations achieved. For instance, rolling a set of four matching numbers might yield a bounty of stars, while three-of-a-kind or even two pairs can lead to lucrative gold rewards.

The Tavern Dice Game's mechanics exhibit a thrilling gameplay element, enticing players with escalating rewards based on their dice combinations. This game (within a game) offers an engaging diversion for explorers seeking fortune and entertainment in their endeavors.


The roadmap is characterized by ambitious goals and well-defined milestones that, if successfully executed, have the potential to establish a solid foundation for the project and facilitate its expansion.

Explora Online roadmap

Aleph Zero Ecosystem Funding Program

Explora Online has been accepted into the Aleph Zero Ecosystem Funding Program (EFP), securing support to advance its development. Its infrastructure allows for diverse account creation, Web3 integration, and a secure NFT Marketplace built on the AZERO blockchain.

Aleph Zero ecosystem funding program

The team wishes to remain under stealth mode, but they'll begin to reveal more about themselves as the project enters closed beta stages and they get more acquainted with the Aleph Zero community. Since they're part of the EFP, they are doxed by the Aleph Zero team!


Explora Online revolutionizes the gaming sphere by addressing prevalent challenges and offering an immersive, decentralized, and transparent gaming experience. Its innovative features, pave the way for a new era in MMORPG gaming.




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