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Coinfabrik's ScoutAudit: Safeguarding Ink! Smart Contracts on Aleph Zero

The Evolution of Smart Contracts and DeFi Landscape

The concept of smart contracts originated with Nick Szabo in 1994, predating the rise of cryptocurrencies. However, it wasn't until the launch of Ethereum in 2015 that smart contracts gained widespread attention, enabling the execution of intricate, programmable contracts on its blockchain. Ethereum's introduction of smart contract functionality paved the way for decentralized applications (DApps) and self-executing contracts. Smart contracts automate financial services, facilitating the creation of decentralized applications (DApps) mimicking traditional financial instruments like lending, borrowing, and trading. Decentralized finance (DeFi) harnesses the programmability of smart contracts to construct decentralized financial services, eliminating the need for traditional intermediaries such as banks. This innovation has spawned a diverse array of decentralized financial protocols, platforms, and instruments, granting users greater control over their assets and fostering a more open and accessible financial ecosystem.

The Dual Nature of Innovation: Promise and Peril

While the allure of continuous innovation propels the crypto industry forward, it exposes vulnerabilities exploited by malicious actors. Following the introduction of smart contract functionality, the crypto industry has grappled with scams, vulnerabilities, phishing attacks, and cybersecurity threats. Immunefi, a Web 3.0 bug bounty platform, reported in November that the sector incurred losses of nearly $1.4 billion in 2023, including a $200 million cyberattack on the Mixin crypto platform. In 2022, $3.2 billion was lost in 60 hacks, increasing to $1 billion in 75 separate crypto heists in 2023. DeFiLlama, a reputable open DeFi analytics platform, revealed that the highest theft in 2023 occurred in September, with hackers making off with $308.23 million.

The Imperative for Robust Security Measures

The quest for security in the crypto space has led to the rise of smart contract auditing platforms. However, challenges persist as attackers creatively exploit vulnerabilities. CertiK's founder, Ronghui Gu, argued that obtaining a standard smart contract audit is like catching raindrops in a sieve, as cyber attackers often capitalize on finding new and creative ways to exploit protocols and victims, with SIM-swapping and smart contract vulnerabilities among other security pitfalls. Taking up the gauntlet, Coinfabrik, a security auditing company, introduced Scout, Substrate ink!'s first static analyzer for smart contract vulnerabilities. With over 200 confirmed audits since 2014, Scout marks a crescendo in Coinfabrik's commitment to enhancing security within the crypto space, as it is an extensible open-source tool designed to assist ink! smart contract developers and auditors in detecting common security issues and deviations.

Language Matters: Addressing Smart Contract Vulnerabilities

Smart contract vulnerabilities often stem from the programming language choices in development. These issues can arise due to language-specific features, developer misunderstandings, or limitations. Solidity, a widely-used language for Ethereum smart contracts, exemplifies this susceptibility. Its flexibility can lead to vulnerabilities, such as reentrancy attacks, where malicious contracts exploit unanticipated behaviors, including manipulation of lending pools, liquidity pools, and flash loan attacks. In lending pools, reentrancy attacks may exploit the sequence of calls to withdraw funds multiple times before the state updates, facilitating unauthorized fund transfers. Liquidity pool vulnerabilities could involve manipulating token ratios or front-running transactions for unfair advantages. Flash loan attacks leverage the ability to borrow substantial assets in a single transaction and execute complex strategies. These attacks exploit vulnerabilities in how smart contracts handle external calls, reentrancy, oracles, and more.

Mitigating Vulnerabilities with Rust and ink!

Rust, a systems programming language, emphasizes memory safety and error prevention. The shift towards more secure languages for smart contracts has given rise to Rust-based subsets like Ink!, designed specifically for blockchain smart contract creation. Ink! incorporates Rust's safety features, including ownership and borrowing, mitigating issues like memory leaks and unauthorized access. Rust's ownership system effectively manages resources, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities like reentrancy attacks.

Beyond Language: Coinfabrik's ScoutAudit

While secure languages like Rust and subsets, such as Ink!, contribute to smart contract security, the ultimate assurance lies in developers' understanding and adherence to proper coding practices. Language alone does not guarantee security, emphasizing the importance of Coinfabrik's ScoutAudit in ensuring comprehensive and robust security measures. Generously funded by the Web3 foundation and the venerable Aleph Zero network, Scout is a cutting-edge smart contract audit tool designed for Ink! smart contract developers and auditors to detect security flaws in Ink! smart contracts. Achieving absolute foolproof status in smart contract auditing is a formidable challenge, but the ScoutAudit represents a significant stride towards this goal. Ink! is a smart contract development language for blockchains built on the substrate framework, notably Polkadot parachains and Aleph Zero. Therefore, it serves as a specialized smart contract audit tool for developers aiming to build robust and secure smart contracts on Aleph Zero's blockchain.

ScoutAudit's mainstay rests on a trifecta of features: a list of vulnerabilities, best practices, and enhancements, together with associated detectors to identify these issues in code; a Command Line Interface (CLI) and a VSCode Extension. ScoutAudit uses a Command Line Interface (CLI) to run a smart contract audit on Ink! related projects. A CLI is a text-based interface that allows users to interact with a computer or software application by typing commands into a terminal or command prompt. Users input textual commands, and the system responds with text output. ScoutAudit provides a CLI as part of its interface, allowing users to execute commands in the terminal or command prompt. This enables developers and auditors to initiate the audit process, specify parameters, and receive results directly through text-based commands. Using the CLI provides a streamlined and scriptable way to integrate Ink! smart contract audits into development workflows and continuous integration processes—a development practice where code changes are automatically tested and integrated into the main codebase frequently.

The Scout VSCode Extension enhances the security of smart contract development by identifying and highlighting potential vulnerabilities directly within the VSCode editor. It lists security issues, uses squiggles to indicate problematic areas, and provides additional information or descriptions when a developer hovers their cursor over a specific element, such as a code snippet or error indicator. When developers hover over identified security issues or code sections with potential vulnerabilities, the extension provides additional details or descriptions to help the developer understand and address the problem without having to navigate away from the code editor. This proactive approach enables developers to catch and address vulnerabilities in real-time during the development process, fostering the creation of more secure and robust smart contracts.

ScoutAudit boasts a taxonomy of Vulnerabilities including Vulnerability Categories, and Vulnerability Severity, along with common examples of vulnerabilities detected during the development of smart contracts in Substrate Ink!. These parameters are used by the system as a guideline for finding and developing vulnerable examples of Substrate Ink! smart contracts.

Vulnerability Severity features an arbitrary classification that provides a structured approach to prioritize and resolve issues based on their severity and potential impact on the system. The Vulnerability Severity is classified into four levels: Critical, Medium, Minor, and Enhancement. Critical issues demand immediate attention as they pose a severe threat to the system. Medium-level concerns are potential security risks that should be addressed promptly to prevent escalating into a bigger problem when combined with other issues and exploitation in the near future. Enhancement classifies issues related to deviations from best practices or language conventions, which, if left unattended, could escalate into higher-priority concerns with future changes.

Anthill of the Web3 Savannah

Coinfabrik is a research, development, and security auditing company specializing in Web3 solutions and services. With a team of over 60 employees, Coinfabrik is renowned for its flexibility and willingness to adapt to various technologies and frameworks. The team handpicks the most suitable options for their clients without being tied to a specific technological preference. Partnerships with bold startups and top global enterprises, including Web3 Foundation, Microsoft, Verizon, Algorand, Raytheon Technologies, Grupo Salinas, Xapo, Globant, and Agro Token, testify to the effectiveness of their versatile and flexible approach in providing customized web3 services that cater to their clients' needs. Founded in 2014 by Sergio Lerner and Sebastian R. Wain, Coinfabrik is located in five countries across the world, with the company headquarters in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and regional headquarters in Brazil, the USA, Spain, and Italy. With over 200 audits, 90 clients, and 250 projects, Coinfabrik has worked on various Web3 projects globally, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polygon, Cosmos, Solana, Polkadot, Stacks, NEAR, and Algorand, among others. The core services offered by the company include smart contract audits, decentralized solution development, consulting services, and education services. As a technologically agnostic company, Coinfabrik also provides other specialized web3 services such as Automated Market Making (AMM) solutions, oracles development solutions, crypto trading bot development, blockchain forensics, prediction markets, and many others. Overall, Coinfabrik resembles a rich botanical garden, where numerous web3 technologies thrive side by side, coexisting harmoniously. By embracing a diverse range of technological options, the company ensures a resilient and flourishing ecosystem capable of adapting to the evolving needs of its projects and clients.



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